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Warm Blooded Animals: Hibernating animals build up fat reserves before the big 'sleep'. The fat is slowly consumed to keep up a regular metabolic state. Their metabolism will slow down, along with their heart rate and breathing. This slow consumption of fat keeps them from starving (they don't need a lot of energy if they aren't moving around, so less fat can be consumed and stored longer). During hibernation the animal's temperature will lower to the temperature around them. Say it's 0 C (32 F) outside, the animal's body temp will be the same ( basically they 'turn' into a cold-blooded animal). If it gets too cold more fat will be consumed to produce more heat. Some animals will wake and eat then walk around within their den to produce more heat ( but this is not 'true' hibernation. True hibernation means the animal does not wake up until environmental conditions are 'perfect'). Cold Blooded Animals: Cold blooded animals also build fat stores but unlike warm blooded animals they go into a 'dead' state. They completely stop breathing and consume much less fat than warm blooded animals. They are able to freeze their bodies and warm up again only when the outside temperature warms up. They are completely dependant on their surroundings unlike warm blooded animals who can warm their bodies up by consuming more fat. (Cold blooded animals can not hold as mach fat as a warm blooded animals can.)

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Q: How do hibernating animals avoid starvation and cope with freezing temperatures?
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What do you call hibernating animals?

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