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Narcissists want as much attention as possible. If you are old supply, they will keep you around as long as they can for whenever they need it. Old supply is just main supply they aren't able to get as much attention from, or they've chewed you up and spit you out and have become bored, but if you still pay attention to them, they will still seek supply from you whenever they need it (when they have suffered narcissistic injury, or are temporarily without a main supply) . why would you care, just run for life!

if you are old supply: run! you're just a toy they've gotten sick of, but like to remember playing with...

if you are current supply: run! you will be old supply yourself once they've found a better quality supply.

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Q: How do narcissists treat old supply?
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How narcissists would treat an old supply that exposed his deeds to ex girlfriend and he was raging about it?

Verbal or physical attacks. Smear campaign.

Do narcissists want you to treat them like a child?

Sometimes. Narcissists want to be waited on and catered too. Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Narcissists do NOT fear abandonment - they fear being without "supply" and not in total control.

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Narcissists will often get depressed when they lack narcississtic supply (some kind of admiration from others.)

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How do narcissists know when to change their Narcissistoc supply?

They change supply when you see them for who they are; their need for constant attention and adoration trumps any needs you may have.

Why do Narcissists never let you completely go?

to ensure future narcissistic supply is available when needed.

Can a Narcissist and psychopath have a lasting relationship?

I am not sure what "meaningful" means - but many narcissists have long term relationships with their sources of supply (not necessarily with other narcissists).

Would a narcissist devalue a good supply because in a moment of weakness he told her something that he did wrong and can have consequences for him with the law?

Narcissists are capable of anything since they don't think like normal people, but it's my opinion that they never discard good supply unless they have other supply (new or old) lined up.

Do narcissists plead with you to stay when you leave them?

Some do. They don't want to loose their "blood supply." LEAVE ANYWAY and no contact!!

What is the longest a narcissist stays away from his supply?

A narcissist will stay away as long as he has other supply to entertain him and keep him from getting bored. When they either lose that supply or begin to grow tired of him or her, then they often seek out "old supply" before cultivating new supply again. It is far easier for the narcissist to get back in touch with an ex in order to quickly get NS. Remember, narcissists cannot stand not having supply. They'll do anything to get it and fast. They'll use ex's or old supply to bridge the gap between the supply they just lost and the one they will soon meet.

Is it common to Narcissists to commit suicide?

Narcissism and depression are unrelated. It is my belief that narcissists are prone to depression particularly when narcissistic supply has left. They may even have suicidal thoughts but rarely act on them. Good lord! How would the world survive without them!