

How does dolphins eat octopuses?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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10y ago

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An octopus get their prey by grabbing them with there tentacles. To catch there food easier, they camoflage with the ground or rocks. An octopus get their prey by grabbing them with there tentacles. To catch there food easier, they camoflage with the ground or rocks.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Octopus catch food by lying in wait or moving slowly across the bottom until they see prey. They then pounce on their prey, enveloping it in their tentacles and bringing it to their mouth which has a hard, sharp beak which crushes the victim.

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13y ago

The octopus does most of its hunting at night. It emerges from its rocky lair to seek crabs, crayfish, and mollusks, which are its favourite foods.

The octopus catches most of its prey by stealth. Having changed colour to blend in with its surroundings, the well-camouflaged octopus waits for prey to pass by and then seizes it with its long arms. The arms are powerful and flexible, with two rows of suckers that help it grip its slippery prey. The octopus then stuns its victim with a secretion of nerve poison. To stalk lobsters and other dangerous prey, the octopus squirts ink into the water to form a screen. Hiding behind the dark cloud, it creeps up on its victim and grabs it from behind.

If the octopus's prey is hard-shelled, the octopus punctures the shell by drilling with its tongue, which is covered in small, sharp teeth.

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12y ago

An octopus eats by catching its prey in its arms, then killing it by biting it with a kind of beak they have

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9y ago

Most octopi hunt for their food at night. They use camouflage to lay in wait for a tasty bit of food to get close, then they reach out and grab their prey with their tentacles.

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10y ago

Dolphins are carnivores and will eat most live things that they come across. Octopuses are a highly nutritious source of food and a dolphin would not hesitate in eating one.

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12y ago

They have a mouth and a GI tract not unlike yours.

(The mouth and beak is at the center of their arms.)

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