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Yes, black death is a very deadly disease. It peaked in Europe during the iddle ages.

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12y ago

The symptoms where horrible things like blister under the armpit that burst black blood and cause a terrible deathly pain!

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Q: How do people die from black death?
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How did people die from the Black Death?

they got infected

How did the black death go?

25 million people die from the black death just because of a flea

What country did most people die in during the black death?

Black death struck in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

How was the black death killing people?

The Black death was killing people by ships having rats and fleas. Then the fleas carry the plague and then the fleas go on the people and then they will get sick and die.

How many people did not die in the black death?

the people that lived in the black death were 75 million i think cuz i read it on wiki answers so dnt blame me :)

Why did people pray during the black death?

because they didnt want to die

Where did most people die of the black death?

Most died in their homes in Europe.

Why does black stand for death?

Probably because when people die they usually close their eyes and only see black. Also death seems dark and black is a dark color. Also in England people wear black at funerals. Black it self shows submission it means that people have accepted a persons death by wearing black.

Who was the last person to die from the black death in England?

Many people died from the black death, so it probably wasn't anyone important, no offense.

Did more kids than adults die in the black death?

It is unknown. But it is estimated that Black Death killed almost 75 to 200 million people.

Why did people disgree with the black death?

You don't disagree with a disease. You either live or you die.

What do you do when you get the black death?

you die