

How do the amoeba get their food?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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AMOEBAS use pseudopods to get food...

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Q: How do the amoeba get their food?
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The digestion of food in Amoeba takes place in the food vacuole. :)

How does a amoeba use a food vacuole?

Enzymes move into the vacuole to digest food, and the digested food passes into the amoeba

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Amoeba can not make it own food because it is not autotrophs since it has no chloroplast.

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The food vacuole is formed by the outer membrane of the amoeba after phagocytosis, digestive enzymes then enter the food vacuole which digest the food that was recently taken in by pseudopods.

How does amoeba obtain it food?

Amoeba has flexible cell membrane. It enables amoeba to engulf in food by the process called endocytosis.

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How do amoeba get food?

The amoeba moves its psuedopodia (false feet) around the food particle. thus a food vacuole is formed.then the amoeba secretes digestive enzymes into the food vacuole and the food particle is digested and assimilated.the waste particle is thrown out by moving the particle towards the surface of the body and it is excreted. :)

How does an amoeba get food?

it obtains food , which is that when a high consideration moves to a smaller considerationan amoeba gets food thorugh pseudopods, which form when cytoplams flows toward one location and the rest of the amoeba follows.amoeba obtains food by osmosis, which is that when a high consideration moves to a smaller consideration.