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The motions of the Sun and the planets reflect to disk shape of the solar nebula because they follow the same rotation as this disk shape. The rotation of the Sun and the planets is not a perfect circle.

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Q: How do the motions of the sun and planets reflect the disk shape of the solar nebula?
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Which hypothesis BEST explains the shape of your solar system and the motions within it?


What is the shape of a planets obit?


The fact that the primeval nebula was rotating slightly caused?

It caused the solar system to form in the shape of a disk.

Shape of planets' orbits discovered by Kepler?


What is a Nebula?

Nebula means "Cloud" in Latin.A nebula is an interstellar cloud of hydrogen, helium, plasma and dust. They are often called "stellar nurseries" because stars are "born" within them.There are many types of Nebula, some stars have nebula's around them when they approach the final stages of their lives as in Wolf Rayet stars.Diffuse nebula which are nebula which have no defining shape or boundary.Dark nebula are so dense that it obscures the light from the background(Such as the Horsehead Nebula),or that it blocks out background stars(Such as the Coalsack Nebula).Reflection nebula are clouds of dust which are simply reflecting the light of a nearby star or stars. Such as the Witch Head Nebula.Emission nebula is a cloud of ionized gas (plasma) emitting light of various colors. Such as the Eagle nebula.Planetary nebula which forms from the shells of stars when they transform into white dwarfs. Such as the Cats Eye NebulaProtoplanetary nebula which is formed from the rapid creation of a star via stellar evolution. Such as the Egg NebulaSupernova remnants, the remains of a massive star when it explodes in a supernova explosion The resulting expanding shell of gas creates a diffuse nebula. Such as the Crab Nebula.

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What is the dense center of a stellar nebula after it spins into a disk shape?

A "proto-star".

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There are two planets with an almost perfectly spherical shape. They are Mercury and Venus.

What shape does a collapsing nebula take?

The shapes that collapsing nebula take are a result of a combination of haphazard directions of movement and force responding to the initial motivating nudge from some external force and gravitational attraction and formation of clumps with in the nebula. The shape seen i.e. a blob, elliptical, etc. is in all probably a function of time with regard to the evolving motion and gravitational organization of matter with in the nebula.

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A shape that can reflect most of the light back.

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The inner planets have a spherical shape. In fact all planets are more or less spherical.

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What are the characteristics of the Jovian planets?

They have no solid surfaces. They are much larger than the terrestrial planets. They orbit far from the sun. They are composed of gases.

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