

How do the paws of polar bears help them in the cold?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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8y ago

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Polar bears have enormous paws! On land, spreading the bear's weight and helping them move across soft snow and thin ice. On ice, they keep the bear from slipping: they have footpads covered by papillae (small soft bumps) and claws that are short, thick, and curved. The paws also are covered in fur for both traction and warmth.

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Q: How do the paws of polar bears help them in the cold?
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Do polar bears have paws?

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Yes, they might. Polar bears are scavengers and will eat whatever they can get their paws on.

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Polar bears maintain water balance by using their huge paws which serve as snowshoes on heavy snow that balances the weight of the bear. The paws enable polar bears to navigate easily even on wafer-thin ice layer.

What type of feet does a polar bear have?

Polar bears have bumps on the pads of their feet to keep from slipping on ice. They also have long hairs between the toes for the same purpose.

Are polar bears left pawed?

Scientists once thought that polar bears were left handed. Now they believe that they have no preference and use both paws equally.

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They have paws, not hands

How do polar bears walk on snow?

Polar bears walk on snow because their paws are tough and calloused. They also have quite a bit of hair on the bottom of their paws to protect them.

What do polar bears use to protect themselves from enemies?

Polar bears use their teeth, claws and strength in their paws and jaws.

Who would win a war polar bears or penguins?

There could be no such war, as polar bears live at a different Pole, but that aside the polar bears would win, paws and flippers down. Why? Well, the polar bear has powerful paws that could easily crush a penguin, or it could deliver a killing bite. Maybe if a lot of penguins cornered one polar bear, they MIGHT be able to bring it down. And I say MIGHT.

What do polar bears use to eat?

there paws, teath and there nose to move the food around =P

Do polar bears have thick paws?

yes, so that their feet are protected from the cold. they also have a large surface area so as to prevent the bear from slipping in the snow (like a camel in sand)