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In general they don't. Table salt (NaCl), which is a solid and one that (within reasonable limits) we can consume safely, is made from a highly reactive metal (Na) and a seriously corrosive gas (Cl).

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The properties of a compound are different from those of its elements.

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Q: How do the properties of a compound compare with those of its elements?
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The physical properties of a compound may be entirely different from the physical properties of the elements from which the compound is made.

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The chemical and physical properties of a compound are different than those of the elements from which it is formed.

Do compound have properties unlike those of their elements?

yes. an example is salt. salt is an edible compound that is made of poisonus elements.

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It is normal; each compound has specific properties.

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A compound has a definite composition, while a mixture's composition can vary.

What has properties unlike those of their elements?

All the properties are different for chemical elements and chemical compounds.

Have properties unlike those of their elements?


Is salt a homogeneous mixture?

Salt water is a homogeneous mixture. Salt, however, is a compound. It has its own properties different from the original elements that created it. It was chemically combined and can only be separated by those means.

What happens when chemical elements are combined?

When element chemically combine, they form compounds that have properties that are similar to those of the uncombined elements

Is elements chemically combine they form compounds that have properties that are similar to those of the uncombined elememts?

No, compounds do not necessarily have similar properties to their uncompounded elements. Example: Hydrogen and Oxygen are both gasses at normal temperature and pressure, but their compound, dihydrogen oxide (water) is a very distinctly different substance.