

How do trees affect global warming?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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8y ago

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Trees actually act against it. They take the amosphere's carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen, reducing the effects of the greenhouse effect.
It kills the trees so we don't get as much oxygen!

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Q: How do trees affect global warming?
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Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air. They store the carbon and release the oxygen. They do this during all the time they are growing. Logging and cutting down trees means they are not taking carbon dioxide from the air. Because carbon dioxide is the major greenhouse gas causing global warming, cutting down trees increases the warming. Global warming means 'all over the world'. So cutting down trees in Indonesia will affect the warming in Los Angeles. Cutting down trees in Los Angeles will affect global warming in Djakarta.

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trees convert CO2 to O2. CO2 is the cause of the warming The less trees there are to convert CO2, the more CO2 there will be

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The hot weather will kill trees . Killing the trees will stop decrease oxygen flow.

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Planting trees will reduce the effect of global warming, but it has little to do with ozone depletion.

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Yes, evergreen trees affect global warming by reducing it. Growing trees and vegetation remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (through photosynthesis). As carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is being added to the enhanced greenhouse effect, then any removal of it is good.

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Junk mail means that more trees are cut down for the paper. Trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so trees slow global warming. If there are fewer trees, then global warming increases.

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Where did global warming affect?

3 weather danages as a result of global warming

Does Global Warming affect everyone?

yes, that's why they call it GLOBAL warming