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The best way is to learn about what they believe. In the world today, there are so many different beliefs, cultures, and customs, so the more we know about "the other," the more tolerant we can be. Keep in mind that you don't have to agree with someone's beliefs to respect them. You just have to understand those beliefs and be cordial. For example, if you are inviting a Jewish person, a Muslim, a Buddhist, or a Hindu to your home, find out if there are things their religion does not allow them to eat. Also, be careful of stereotypes: you may have been taught certain generalities and myths about "them" and they may not be that way at all.

There are courses you can take in Comparative Religions, as well as books and articles you can read. These will give you more familiarity with what other people believe-- you will understand their holidays, for example, and not schedule an important meeting on a day when certain people won't be able to attend. Many times, the best thing to do is to ask. If someone dresses differently or has different customs, you can certainly ask them courteously to explain the meaning of these things. In most cases, people are glad to explain. Just be careful you don't ask in a way that makes the other person feel like you are judging them or that you think they are doing something wrong. There is a lot we can learn from each other, and a courteous conversation is one way to learn it.

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