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You can be mod on most hotels but on habbo there is quiet a lot of mods and people so i don't think you would stand a chance but on other habbo retros like Blah hotel,Boom Hotel, Yabbo Hotel, Habless hotel and lots more the best thing to do is not ask be kind and helpful lie about your age when the applications come out and you might get a chance a being staff but i must say when the applications come out when they say what would you do best for our hotel and make it more good ! you could say I Would stop the bullies, host lots of events such as ff,cc,pa,mc to keep the people happy.

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14y ago

Habbo Hotels does not recruit Habbos to be moderator. If only you joined back in 2001, they used to have moderator applications, but now they changed their rules.

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14y ago

You can't. You have to be a creator of binweevils to be a mod.

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14y ago

In order to ebcome a Habbo Moderstor. You must first go to SUlake UK and apply for the job there :)

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Related questions

What can a Habbo mod do?

A Habbo Mod can- Kick User Ban User Alert User Room Alert Room Kick Hotel Alert Answer Call for Help And A LOT more..Those are just the basics.

How do you become a HC on Habbo Hotel without paying?

You cant

Where are all the robots in Habbo hotel?

Robots are what Sulake (Habbo company) Make to guide you through habbo hotel. You can speak to them and they will answer back. If it's a suitable question.They are habbo MODS (moderators) that control Habbo. If you go to official rooms, they might be some there but they stopped them in Habbo 2010. If you want to talk to you OWN Moderator then click Help when your in your room and click call a guide bot, they will come to your room try talking to them.There is no way you can become an MOD (moderator) unless you fill out a job application on a spesific website you must be 18+.

What was the first Habbo hotel?

The first habbo hotel was in Finland. But there it was named Goldfish hotel before it switched to habbo

How old do you have to be to get on Habbo hotel?

You have to be 13+ to Join Habbo Hotel.

What does a Habbo mod do?

A habbo MOD is somone who works for sulake (The company that owns Habbo) and is payed to ban people if they are discriminating or bullying somone.

Where can you get Habbo Hotel Vouchers?

Habbo Hotel Vouchers can be used to buy credits for Habbo Hotel, by using cash. (cash payment)

What is the slogan of Habbo Hotel?

Habbo Hotel has a simple, short slogan. It is simply: Habbo Hotel, hangout for teens. Short, but catchy :)

Where is the junk folder on Habbo hotel?

There is no junk folder on Habbo Hotel.

Is Habbo a mountain?

No. Habbo is a hotel.

What are some great Habbo reatros?

ClaN Habbo Habbo BZ Force Hotel Habbrockz Hotel Nine Devil Hotel RageZone Hotel Go To A Habbo Retro Topsite To Find Some More

What year did Habbo start?

Habbo had started in 2000 for habbo usa in the uk it started in 2001 previously known as goldfish hotel but then it changed to habbo hotel then just habbo.