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The simplest answer is to practice! Building up strength is helpful and some weight lifting can help. Having good stamina is also good, so adding some good aerobic activity will make you better as well. Have patience and practice!

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Q: How do you be better in martial arts?
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What is better martial arts or MMA?

Mixed Martial Arts is martial arts, which should be obvious from the name. Over time all martial arts are very similar. While they start with different focus, they eventually blend together, as the human body can only move in a limited number of ways.

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The purpose of all martial arts is to make the practitioners better in combat.

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The rules of most martial arts, particularly traditional ones are very similar. They focus on making people better citizens.

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the Arni's Martial Arts have a rattan stick. while the other martial arts have no weapon

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Both are very active sports and will improve strength and reaction time. Martial arts are usually better for flexibility.

Are martial arts Japanese?

Martial Arts refers to the skills used in combat. Every country has martial arts and some originated in Japan, but not all of them.

What types of martial arts teach you defense and attack moves or are the individual types of martial arts for both?

All styles of martial arts do.

What are the significant characteristic of arnis martial arts that make it different from other martial atrs?

the Arni's martial arts have a rattan stick. while the other martial arts have no weapon

What are some reasons that people practice martial arts?

There are many reasons that people practice martial arts, the reason vary from person to person. Suffice to say that a certain physical and mental well being, tends to be an outcome of the discipline required from most martial arts. It can be assumed that people who practice Martial Arts, to some degree or another, seek to better themselves physically or mentally.

What is better wrestling or Mixed Martial Arts?

It relies upon in MMA you learn both striking and grappling however In wrestling, you most effectively do grappling. So MMA is better however wrestling is also good.

What does Martial Arts starts with?

What does Martial Arts starts with? It starts by greeting your opponent.