

How do you calculate oil rate using a scale?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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When one ponders upon the ever present entity known as reason, one may come to believe that reason, in and of itself, exists throughout one's experiences, never failing to indulge in all instances of turmoil, as well as gratification, that one may perceive. Though this may be true, the effects of using reason, and therefore "reasoning", upon certain aspects of one's life, has the tendency of causing uncertainty in all situations. It could be said that one uses reason so that to have the ability to exist in this present system of things. The ability to enable reason to be a significant factor within one's life, though at first seemingly benevolent in every respect, includes fallacies within that are horrendous to a great extent. It would seem that reasoning upon any such item of concern would have one to be quite wary, not allowing one's self to incorrectly interpret any perception that might otherwise be taken for granted. It also seems that reasoning upon such a vast topic as perception, though inevitable, should be of the utmost concern in any and all situations. When one is reasoning upon perception, it would seem that the necessity for one to ascertain a viable view of what one perceives would be of the utmost importance. The perception of one's self, which could be considered to be the absolute most vital aspect within perception, would involve reasoning upon each and every influence that one's perception of themselves has upon one's behavior, as well as one's thoughts. Even though this may be true, it could be said that perception without reason would be interpreted as only thoughts and images; those being what one perceives in one's environment, as well as the thought process necessary for those images to be obtained Theory of Knowledge Essay (cont.) David Mahalko Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Reason Jan. 10 As a Way of Knowing Homework Without these two aspects being together, the opportunity to interpret the perception of an environment would cease to exist. It could be said that, through one's environment, one has the possibility of proving without a shadow of a doubt that one does, indeed, exist. If one were to believe that one did not exist in any way, shape, or form, then the environment in which one would be able to interact with would cease to exist as well. This would be from the fact that when one is interacting with an item of concern, one is essentially stating that there is a correlation between the existence of one and that item. Since one has the ability to interact with anything and everything, everything in this existence would have to cease to exist as well. This would obviously inherit the belief that there would be nothing in which to exist, causing a somewhat absence in the meaning of the term existence as it stands today. The fact that one is able to interact with one's own environment would therefore have one to reason that one is in existence, causing such ridiculous bantering to cease to be. As true as this may be, the fact is that when reasoning upon what one perceives within one's environment, one may come to an incorrect conclusion as to the meaning of that item of concern. If one were to perceive an instance in which a person had patted one's back, for example, it would be plausible for one to interpret this action in multiple ways. It would seem that if one were to reason that this action was of congratulations for achievement, one would have the need to be thankful to that person. If, though, the person was, in all purposes, belittling one and extenuating their dominance over one's self, one would therefore be misinterpreting this case to the greatest extent. We can therefore conclude that one would have the crucial Theory of Knowledge Essay (cont.) David Mahalko Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Reason Jan. 10 As a Way of Knowing Homework necessity of believing in what one perceives, as if one were not to believe in one's perception, one's ability to reason upon it would be impaired. Throughout one's travels, one may have the need to reason upon beliefs as a whole, since beliefs are the foundations upon which existence lies. Reasoning upon beliefs, though a riveting uncertainty in and of itself, causes one to question not only what one believes in, yet what one believes to be true as well. In doing so, the ability to reason as to why a certain belief exists could benefit one in many upon many ways, inevitably leading to the strengthening of that belief. As a nature activist thoroughly believes in the conservation of Earth's natural wonders, so is it that others believe in what they are accomplishing, having no regards for any opposing views which may impede upon that belief. Though this may be true, the fact is that if one were to use reasoning that was not congruent with one's usual endeavors, one may scour the real reason as to why they had held that belief in the first place, ridding themselves of a once precious and beneficial ideology. In the case of ethical boundaries, as well as ethics itself, one's doing away with such matters would cause the decimation of one's standard for living as a whole. The experiences in which one has the opportunity to perceive, though at times seemingly insignificant, may indeed have a great amount of influence upon one's ethical behavior and boundaries. It seems that as one learns from each experience that one has, one also learns of the interactions that had occurred from a basis of another's ethics, Theory of Knowledge Essay (cont.) David Mahalko Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Reason Jan. 11 As a Way of Knowing Homework causing one to reason upon rather or not that those ethical virtues were true to not only that person's life, yet to one's life as well. This could be exemplified in the situation in which one is standing upon a sidewalk and observes a car crash. One vital issue of concern would be that one has never before observed such an occurrence is of the utmost importance, causing the ethical responses of the other two within the two vehicles to determine one's behavior when in such a situation. As the two drivers had interacted with each other, their behavior would inevitable influence one's own. It would seem that this inevitable example of one's ethical behavior and influence may have one to realize that even though one's ethical behavior is vital for one to understand, the individual moral principals that create such a behavior are of greater importance still. Even though this may be true, when one reasons upon one's moral principles, one may ponder upon how those certain morals had come to be. This would inevitable rise the question as to rather or not one had obtained them through experiences and perception, or as one had been taught them by others. It also seems that when one reasoned upon this ever so baffling thought, one would eventually obtain a perception as to rather or not one is defined by such morals. It would seem that this topic would lead one to ponder upon what it is that influences those morals, and rather or not that one is morally stable. Even though morals are perceived as the foundation in which one perseveres through time, emotions have the tendency of influencing rather or not one stays true to those principles, having emotions to be an enthralling topic of concern. Theory of Knowledge Essay (cont.) David Mahalko Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Reason Jan. 12 As a Way of Knowing Homework Human Beings, as a whole, tend to state that emotions are a requirement throughout one's life, always apparent in anything and everything that one does. When one actually stops to think upon this statement, however, one may come to the conclusion that reason and emotion are intertwined, each influencing one's thoughts. This would inevitably lead to the question of rather one should depend more on emotion or reason to guide not only one's thoughts, yet one's actions as well. As it were, emotions tend to influence one's initial thoughts upon a matter, seemingly creating those individual thoughts on its own. Reason, on the other hand, is used so that to decide how to act upon a certain thought. As true as this may be, emotions at times overwhelm one's sense of reason, causing one to act upon those initial thoughts instead. From this, one may dictate emotion having the capacity of being expressed thought, while reason has one to do what is rationally acceptable behavior. This would be an indication that as emotion is expressed thought, reason allows for self-realization, which a highly sought for yet never quite understood notion. It seems that such reasoning allows one to realize the extent in which this factor has influenced history in its entirety, being a significant portion of the cause of most events. History, one of the most fascinating subjects that man has ever had the privilege to not only be aware of, yet to study as well. It could be assumed that the only reason that history is studied so meticulously is so that to understand and to reason upon the development of societal manners; and, for some, to answer those painstakingly obscure jeopardy questions that have the tendency to arise every now and again. Though this may Theory of Knowledge Essay (cont.) David Mahalko Evaluate the Strengths and weaknesses of Reason Jan. 12 As a Way of Knowing Homework be true, it would seem to be quite for one to ascertain a true perspective upon any given event unless one had witnessed it first hand, causing only speculation to occur. Many obstacles have arisen that give haste to one in obtaining an accurate account of any event that does not have at least the most simple of accounts to certify it. This would seem to have occurred in this case of the city of Troy, which was depicted in the Illiad as a most magnificent arrangement of structures. Though this may be true, the fact is that the factual base upon which that this story lies is of a limited one at that, causing one to reason if Troy had ever existed at all. It would seem that roughly a century ago, a collection of structures were discovered near the supposed site of the legendary Troy had once been, along with the seven different layers of civilization lain amongst the ruins, which had been the amount of times Troy had been rebuilt. The only problem is that the language that was used upon the ruins was of a sorts to difficult as of yet to interpret. It also seems that language, being a vital use of communication, could be considered as the absolute greatest tool to reason upon within any circumstance of consideration. With the considerable diversity of languages that has been discovered to be in existence, one may have cause to believe that it would be impractical to even attempt to understand each and every culture which has existed, which is quite reasonable in and of itself. Yet, when one ponders upon this, one may reason upon how it is that so many languages have been able to develop; and, furthermore, that if there were an original language in which all languages derive from, that without any a shadow of the doubt, the existence of an underline common pattern amongst each and every language. When one Theory of Knowledge Essay (cont.) David Mahalko Evaluate the Strengths and Weaknesses of Reason Jan. 12 As a Way of Knowing Homework reason's upon this, as does one with every situation, one may come to realize that if this supposable conundrum were in some way "solved", then the understanding of each and every language would be shelved in the library of knowledge. As one analyzes how it is that one obtained such knowledge, one may realize that vital role that reason had played within each and every aspect of knowing, hopefully causing one to hold reason in high regards. It seems that the extent upon which that reason is involved as a way of knowing not only has the capacity to befuddle whom ever attempts to understand the concept, yet at the same time will allow one to comprehend the intricate aspects of each and every situation which may occur. Even though this may be true, one should not under any circumstances use reason as the sole means in which to obtain knowledge, yet to be inundated along with each and every way of knowing available. Through and through, the only logical way in which one could possibly understand reason would be to reason upon the very area of discussion itself.

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Q: How do you calculate oil rate using a scale?
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