

How do you care for lucky bamboo?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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There are lots of ways to take care of the lucky bamboo. One of the methods I have used for myself and found to be really effective are:

1. Pure water

The water in the pot needs to be replaced with fresh, clean water once a week and the little pot should be scrubbed to prevent calcium or mineral deposits from building up on the edge of the pot and on the plant stem.

2. Pruning and propagating

The plants may be pruned to a more manageable and attractive size, taking care to make a clean cut just above the leaf bract.

3. Trimming of toes

It's okay to take the plant out of the water, gently remove the gravel it has embraced, and then prune back the root system. Keep in mind that you only want to do this during the "dormant" growing season which, in the Pacific Northwest, begins about mid-October when deciduous trees begin to lose their leaves.

4. Yellow streak

Lucky Bamboo should not be placed in direct sunlight. Diffused outdoor light is best. If you notice the leaves yellowing, immediately examine for diseases or pests.

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yes, here is some tips on how to take care of your lucky bamboo plant. resources:

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Yes, lucky bamboo will be destroyed if left in full sunlight. Lucky bamboo needs to be in the shade or indirect light.

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well Montana has unfirtle soil and the land doesnt provide well lucky bamboo growing. however regular bamboo grows fine there

How many times a day do you water Lucky Bamboo?

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You can grow lucky bamboo in just water. Lucky bamboo does not need any kind of soil in order to grow properly. However, people can also grow them in soil if they choose. The soil must have good drainage.