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As a common law marriage does not include a formal ceremony, couples must look for other ways to document the marriage in order for it to be considered valid by the state and one of the easiest ways to do this is for the wife to take her husband's last name. Laws differ from state to state, some allow you to legally change your name simply by using that name on a day-to-day basis while some public and private organizations do not consider this as thoroughly legal and hence the solution is to get a court order granting your name change to satisfy any requirements by companies insisting that you use your "legal" name.

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Q: How do you change ones name legally after a common law marriage?
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You can change your name to whatever you want when you get married, and you can also legally change your name while married and you will still be legally married unless you file and complete the divorce process.

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Yes, your parents can legally change your name through the court.

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Changing your name is not a requirement, and will not void the marriage if the wife decides to keep her maiden name. Likewise, a name change alone will not formalize the marriage and the couple must still meet the requirements of their state.

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No, you can change your name at anytime after your marriage, no time limits.

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until you get divorce from the court you both are still said to be in marriage.

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divorce him, legally the marriage was illegal since his name was fake its like you were never married

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You can legally change your business name by filling out a form to request a change. There may be a need to file a name change with your city or state as well.

When does your last name legally change after marriage?

You must file a name change petition and follow the steps at your local county court clerk's office where you are a resident.Another PerspectiveIt is not necessary in all states to submit a formal petition for a name change after marriage. Your name changes when you say, "I do." In many cases you only need to obtain a certified copy of your marriage license that shows your new name. You can use it to obtain a new license, passport and social security card. Then you need to notify all the entities you deal with of your name change. See related links.

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