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To conjugate the French verb 'avoir' means to take it through all of the voices, tenses, persons, and moods. The voices are active or passive. In this case, an active construction is 'you have closed the door'. An example of a passive construction is 'the door has been closed by you'. The tenses are present, future, conditional, imperfect, perfect, and their combinations such as conditional perfect, future perfect, past perfect, simple perfect. The persons are the subject and subject pronouns in the singular and plural. Thus, the singular choices are first ['je/I'], second ['tu/you'], and third ['il/elle/he/she/it']. The plural choices are ['nous/we'], second ['vous/you'], and third ['ils/elles/they']. The moods are imperative [of command], indicative [of reality], infinitive [of 'to...'], and subjunctive [of wishes].
I suggest that you look at the Le Conjugueur website

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Present for 'avoir':


tu as

il a, elle a, on a

nous avons

vous avez

ils ont, elles ont

The full conjugation is in link.

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How do you conjugate a french verb eg avoir?

It depends on the verb; avoir conjugates as ai, as, a, avons, avez, ont in the present tense while lancerconjugates as lance, lances, lance, lançons, lancez, lancent. You should look up the verb on for its conjugation.

What is French for have?

To have = Avoir

What is 'have' in French?

to have is the verb "avoir" in French.

What is the French spelling of has?

to have is spelled 'avoir' in French.

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What does have mean to French?


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What are the french verbs for avoir?

avoir IS French! It means to have. I don't understand what you want to know. Synonyms? posseder = to possess.