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Get a water softener.

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Q: How do you cure high levels of calcium water that your well is producing?
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If a cure was found for cancer what would the cure stop from producing?

it would stop the production of cancer cells

How do you cure weak bones?

Calcium makes bones stronger. Any milk product is an excellent source of Calcium.

What is a general source?

== == A place from which something begins. In French (Une Source) a natural spring, like the source of a river. Often a spring producing water with minerals which are supposed to cure various ailments, or one producing water of great purity. In Paris, the FONTAINE LAMARTINE is the best example; an artesian well producing pure, cold water from 600 metres below the surface.

How do you cure too much phosphoric acid in your body?

Eating more Calcium.

How can you cure a calcium deficiency for a baby snapping turtle?

You buy turtle food with calcium in it jus look at the label. you can also buy crikets and calcium powder and dust them before feeding~

When was The Water Cure created?

The Water Cure was created on 1916-05-11.

Is water moccasin venom the cure for HIV?

Water moccasin venom isn't a cure for HIV.

How do you cure recreational water illness?

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What is water's ability?

you can cure people with water.

When you are sick how can you gain energy?

A cure by a physician will restore the energy levels in a patient

Is there a permanent cure for water on the knee?

There is no permanent cure for water on the knee. There are temporary cures that last for a while though.