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Acetone is a solvent for superglue. Many households have acetone in the form of nail polish remover, use in a well ventilated area.

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14y ago

Go Be Gone products have worked for us in the past during vintage toy and action figure restoration.

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11y ago

You can not dissolve it as anything that dissolves contact glue will also dissolve the plastic. Best way is to cut off what you can with a sharp craft knife.

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Q: How do you dissolve Contact Glue from Plastic?
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Can glue dissolve in water?

No glue that I know of can dissolve chalk.

How do youdissolve contact glue from plastic?

You could try finger nail polish remover.

What is soluble glue?

Glue that will dissolve in water .

How do you dissolve carpenters glue?

It may dissolve with repeated immersion in water. Depends exactly which glue.

How do you glue leather or vinyl over plastic boat dash?

Use Elmer's Spray Contact Cement.

Can you crazy glue plastic to plastic?

Depends on the type of plastic. Many plastics have glue made from their solutions. Some can be partially dissolved and joined together by the right chemical, some needs to be prepped with an etching agent to get a glue to stick to them.

How do you glue a formica sheet?

You need a can of 'Sta-Put' spray contact cement. Sold where they sell plastic laminates.

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Who invented Thermo Plastic glue?

Paul E. Cope invented Thermo plastic glue also known as "Hot Glue" it is used in Hot Glue guns.

Does wood glue dissolve in water?

Yes, most wood glues will dissolve in water.

What glue should I use for a soft plastic it is a flexible material?

A good glue you can use for soft plastic which is a flexible material is Gorilla Glue.

Can you fix the hole in an air bed with any glue?

No, the air bed should have come with a patch kit to make such repairs (if not or if it was lost contact the manufacturer) use only the patches and glue included in that kit as they will be compatible with the plastic of the air bed.The glue used for patching such plastics usually contain solvents that dissolve some of the plastic in the air bed and in the patch and when the solvent evaporates it forms what is called a solvent weld. Using the wrong glue or patch can cause too much dissolving, making the hole much worse; or not enough causing the solvent weld to fail when the air bed is reinflated.