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Critiquing - the process of going through a piece of writing and finding problems - is a tricky job. You need to let the author know what isn't working, but you don't need to insult the author.

Let's look at the actual process first:

  • Grammar - look through the work and check for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other similar mistakes. You can highlight them any way you want - it's best not to correct them on the computer because the author needs to see where the mistakes were made and learn how to correct them
  • Factual - check to be sure that all the facts are correct. If the author has included a statement that you know to be false (this is fact, not opinion), then highlight that. This is a good idea if you are an expert in any area, such as antique weapons or Ballet, because the author can really use your critical eye
  • Logical - read through the work and make sure that things happen in a logical manner. Highlight any spots where something happens that doesn't seem to be logical, or where something "comes out of left field"
  • Characters - read through the work and make sure that any characters seem realistic (this step will be used mostly in fictional writing). Highlight any spots where someone behaves in an odd manner (based on previous behavior or conversation), or where someone seems to suddenly change personality
  • Continuity - just like in a movie or tv show, check to be sure that anything which has happened does not suddenly vanish. If someone takes off a hat in one scene, but suddenly shows up with the hat miraculously back on his head, highlight that spot
  • Overall Image - one of the little-known tricks of writing is to look for any spots where you have huge blocks of text, and break them up into smaller paragraphs or chapters. Look at the overall shape of the work without reading it, and highlight any areas that seem larger than the rest

You may choose to do only one of the above, or you may do everything - the author will be grateful for anything you do to help!

How to Give the Critique: it is essential that you learn how to give criticism in a non-confrontational manner. You want to criticise the work, not the author.

  • use "I" statements like "I noticed on page 3 that the word 'through' is misspelled" or "I felt that the character of Henry seemed to act differently in Chapter 6 - before then he had been loud and argumentative and in that chapter he is suddenly very meek."
  • find something positive to say. Even if you didn't like the piece, look for something that did work well and point that out, such as "I thought that you really described the countryside well in this scene; I could picture myself in that meadow."
  • avoid making broad statements like "it's great" or "it sucks" - make your comments very specific and point out each spot you are criticising so that the author can look at that again (they might not change anything, but at least you won't get into a fight about it this way)
  • stay away from any personal comments about the author
  • remember that it's the author's work - don't take anything personally if they decide not to take your advice

Personally i read the story several times with no outside influence. Then i construct an idea of what this story is about. This is where you decided whether Romeo and Juliet was a play about true love or true foolishness.

Keep in mind that you can't be Wong with your interpretation as long as you can back it up.

At this point I would do research on the artist an his or her work and reconstruct your interpretation if needed.

This is really basic but it is how I analyze most stories. It helps me to write all of thoughts down on paper in order to see the analysis visibly.

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First say if the book was any good or not. Then list reasons why. tell what the author did to make the story better or worse.

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