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If you havent already made a habbo Google habbo and click on REGESTER FOR FREE.

Once you have made your habbo,where you enter your username,instead type in your email and then your normal habbo password for password. It should take you to your habbo ID.

If you have more than one habbo player and only one of your players are on your habbo ID click add which will be somewhere on the screen of your computer/laptop and you should be able to add it from there! Enjoy habbo and remember you can also become a memeber of habbo,HC or the next level up.... VIP ( i am a VIP hehe!) you need habbo credits to become these things though which costs real money. If you want to know more just type in your question and I will answer it! Good Luck i hope this has helped you.

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Q: How do you get a habbo id on Habbo Hotel?
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What was the first Habbo hotel?

The first habbo hotel was in Finland. But there it was named Goldfish hotel before it switched to habbo

Is Habbo a mountain?

No. Habbo is a hotel.

How old do you have to be to get on Habbo hotel?

You have to be 13+ to Join Habbo Hotel.

What year did Habbo start?

Habbo had started in 2000 for habbo usa in the uk it started in 2001 previously known as goldfish hotel but then it changed to habbo hotel then just habbo.

Where can you get Habbo Hotel Vouchers?

Habbo Hotel Vouchers can be used to buy credits for Habbo Hotel, by using cash. (cash payment)

What is the slogan of Habbo Hotel?

Habbo Hotel has a simple, short slogan. It is simply: Habbo Hotel, hangout for teens. Short, but catchy :)

Where is the junk folder on Habbo hotel?

There is no junk folder on Habbo Hotel.

Is Habbo a rude word?

I think habbo blocks the word habbo because it sounds slightly like "Hobo".

What are some great Habbo reatros?

ClaN Habbo Habbo BZ Force Hotel Habbrockz Hotel Nine Devil Hotel RageZone Hotel Go To A Habbo Retro Topsite To Find Some More

Who is the manager of Habbo?

The first manager of Habbo is sulake productions and the user name of the owner is Acelocksta

How do you get guns on Habbo?

You cannot get guns on Habbo Hotel.

Former head Habbo expert?

Habbo Hotel does not have eXperts, only Habbo Retros.