

How do you get body odor out of clothing?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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Washing it with a good laundry detergent and also with fabric softener should get rid of any smell.

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Q: How do you get body odor out of clothing?
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What are the causes for bad odor in clothing?

Clothing is made of various 'fabrics', which are porous materials that can absorb or adsorb body fluids such as perspiration, blood and urine. Over time, those fluids deteriorate when exposed to air, and give off an odor. Clothing can also gain an 'odor' from being dry cleaned with a chemical called 'perk', which reacts with perfumes and deodorants to create an odor that is unpleasant.

What is the cause of body odor?

The genetic disorder Trimethylaminuria causes bad body odor.

What behaviors can affect body odor?

Activities that make you sweat can affect your body odor.

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the odor of your body is occured by sweat.

How would you remove body odor from fabric specifically a cheer uniform?

You would remove body odor from fabric, specifically a cheer uniform by spraying it with a fabric freshener such as Febreze. Spray the clothing until it is damp, then allow to dry. As it dries, Febreze works to eliminate the odor. Once dry, launder the uniform as normal.

What is the cause of bad body odor?

The genetic disorder Trimethylaminuria causes bad body odor.

Why does a man's crotch smell?

Sweat glands in the groin area produce fluids that mix with bacteria, leading to a distinct body odor. Poor hygiene, tight clothing, and certain medical conditions can also contribute to an unpleasant odor in that area. Regular washing and wearing breathable clothing can help manage and prevent this issue.

Why does sweat cause you to have odor?

Sweat is the water residue that is as a result of exercise or workout.This is called respiration.Sweat causes body odor since sweat also is a way for the body to release materials not needed in the body and this can come out with sweat. When this materials are mixed with the air outside the body the body is a odor called body odor.

Are 6 year olds supposed to have body odor under their arms?

no when i was six i didn't even wear body odor i didn't until i was like eleven.

Do hamsters have body odor?


What is the cure for body odor?

Keep the body washed often.

Do huskys have body odors?

No. Huskys never have body odor.