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You might not be able to. You could tell people the difference but its not gonna stop them from saying what they think. In a similar fashion, you could give Black people freedom, but it isn't gonna stop some people from being racist or saying racist things.

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Q: How do you get people to stop lumping transsexual people in with transgender people?
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How can you get people to stop shortening transgender and transsexual to the word trans and lumping them together?

You can't stop people from shortening transgender and transsexual into trans. There's no reason to do this either, transgender and transsexual people are part of the same community and face the same issues.

How many surgeries do transgenders go through?

Usually none. People who live as the other sex and never get surgery are correctly called transgender. The term transsexual is a medical diagnosis reserved for those with the most severe gender conflict. People call themselves transgender, but doctors diagnose people with transsexualism. Transsexualism is inborn, but transgenderism is often recreational and/or chosen. Transsexual persons and transgender persons have different underlying etiologies. As for the surgeries that people born with transsexualism undergo, it depends on what they can afford and which way they are transitioning. The main surgery that transsexual women get to stop having transsexualism and be more like other women is penile inversion. That is where the testes are removed and the penile tissue is turned inside out and grafted inside. The scrotum is used to form the labia. They may opt for other surgeries such as breast enlargement and facial surgery. Transgender persons who never complete transition often opt for cosmetic procedures such as breast enlargement and facial surgery. For transsexual men, they often have a total bilateral mastectomy and a complete removal of internal female organs. They sometimes get genital surgery, but that is very expensive and unsatisfactory.

What is a transgender?

A "transgender" is a way to say "transgendered person." It is not a term for a "transsexual" person (someone born with the need to get corrective genital surgery). There are various definitions of transgender and they are adjectives: they describe people as in "That person is transgendered." One definition is based on the idea that gender is not black and white, boy/girl, 1 or 0. In this definition, no one is all of anything, everyone is a mix, and there are even times in life where the %'s change based on the need of the individual. Look at prison life: most of the individuals that go in and come out are heterosexual, but while in prison the power struggle and lack of available females apparently cause a lot of homosexual behavior but the basic orientation still remains heterosexual. Transgendered in this case means that a person doesn't think they (or just doesn't) fit society's binary system. In the end, this definition of transgender would explain people's behavior better than the "male/female" only theory. Another definition is someone who deliberately lives in a way opposed to their physical sex. For example, if a person is born with female genitalia and wants to keep it, but expresses and feels that they are a boy mentally, then they are transgender. Transsexual and transgender is not the same thing since the term transsexual is only applicable to those born with a need to correct their genitals, while most transgender people desire to keep their original genitalia. A person is born with transsexualism, and after surgery, they are no longer transsexual, and have never been transgendered. It is a hurtful myth to say that a person becomes transsexual after surgery. The whole idea of the surgery is to stop having transsexualism and to get on with life as if they never had the condition. Transgender usually means someone who born one biological sex, but doesn't feel like they fit into that category, but who rarely get surgery. Transgender individuals usually do not identify with their biological sex. Transgender and transexual are two different categories because most transgender people do not have surgery to physically change their sex. Transsexuals are in the process of physically changing their sex. Transgender has more to do with how the individual identifies themselves (gender identity) rather than biological sex. Another definition is political in nature and refers to anyone who considers themselves as different in terms of sex or gender. Many transsexual persons refuse to be lumped in with the TG Community, but others like nonop TG persons or see political value in working together. The term transsexual relates to persons who have a gender (mental description) that is the opposite of the physical sexual organs of birth. This group is assigning the word transsexual to describe the state of having a gender that doesn't match your physical sex. In these cases, societies believe that gender and sex only come in 2 flavors, male/man female/woman. They ascribe to the idea that there are only these 2 modalities. A transsexual woman is not transgender because she was supposed to have a vagina. She was born with a female brain, and a feminine soul, and was supposed to be born with a vagina. But a typical transgender woman was really supposed to be born with a penis and live as a man, as evidenced by their lack of need for surgery.

Can a transgender person be a actor?

Yes they can. Being transgender is a matter of identity, and not of skill - there is nothing to stop a transgender person from being as successful in acting as any other person.

What happens to mans penis when becoming transgender?

If they merely become transgender, and are not getting surgery to stop being transgender or transsexual, then nothing happens to it. It is there as long as they wish to keep it. They may tuck it or wear special garments to hide it. For a transsexual person, they are born that way. Some transsexual folks mistakenly think they are transgender. Or they turn to the transgender community, accept it's rhetoric, and accept medical care under the transgender label, even if they find that to be insulting, because they see that as the only way they will be able to transition. So the typical goal for a transsexual person is to stop having transsexualism and to get their body (physical sex, maleness or femaleness) corrected to match their inborn gender identity, and to fit in with the mainstream, cisgender community without having transsexualism anymore. It is much like getting cancer surgery, if your cancer goes into full remission, then you don't consider yourself a cancer patient any longer, let alone a part of some community of cancer patients. So in case the asker really wants to know how surgery to eliminate transsexualism is done, then the penis is pretty much turned inside out and grafted inside them at the new location, with as many of the nerves and blood vessels preserved as possible. The "spongy" parts of the penis along with most of the erectile tissue is removed, and the urethra is shortened to a female length and sutured into the new location below what will be the clitoral hood. The testes are removed and the scrotum is used to form the labia of the vulva.

When is national silence day?

The National Day of Silence is for all Gay, Lesbian , Bisexual, and transgender, people to stop the harassment that is inflicted on them.

How can you get the people on Wikipedia to stop lumping those born with transsexualism in with men who choose to become transgendered?

Become a member and talk to them about what you think should be done! You can sign up on any of the Wiki pages.

Can someone be born a transsexual?

Yes. Most with transsexualism are born that way, they usually knew they had it before age 6, and they get the surgery to stop having transsexualism. The condition of transsexualism is not the same as the lifestyle of transgenderism. Transgender is mostly a choice and is a fairly recent concept. Transsexualism is a diagnosis while transgenderism is mostly a self-identity.

Why did the day of silence begin?

The "day of silence" was thought of when gays, lesbians, transgender and bisexual people were being bullied and till this day these people are still living each day in terror. Be the better person and stop the silence, and stop the madness!

How can man become transsexual?

A man cannot become one, since he's born that way. The purpose for hormones and surgery is to stop being a transsexual and get "cured" of it to the extent scientifically and medically possible.

Do you die younger if you are transgender?

Sadly, yes, this seems to be the case. Transgender folks are more likely to be the victims of homicide, suicide, overdose, medical mishaps, and medical neglect at the time of an accident. Let's examine each of these factors.Homicide -- Transgender and transsexual people, and especially if male-to-female are more likely to suffer bigotry and discrimination because of their gender identity or condition. The motives for homicide vary. Some just hate such a person. Sometimes the transperson is just a convenient victim. Perhaps the transgender person is trying to drown out their sorrows with alcohol or drugs, and others around them, perhaps also under the influence, see them as a convenient victim. Sometimes the actions of the transfolks are seen as contributing, though nobody asks to be crime victims. Sometimes the attackers have a moment of "gay panic," particularly if the transperson in question has their original genitalia. However, criminals have been known to choose transfolks as victims and then feign a gay panic response.Suicide -- Transgender and transsexual folks tend to have it harder in life than a lot of other people. But that depends on the exact transgender or transsexual person. It is insulting to assume that every transgender or transsexual person is having a hard time, and it is condescending to assume they need a rescuer or savior. However, for those who are having a hard time of it, they are more likely to commit suicide than cisgender people. There are likely times when what appears to be transgender suicide is actually murder.Overdose -- Like other troubled people, those who are also transgender or have transsexualism are more likely to overdose on drugs. It isn't just illegal drugs, but even legal things such as prescribed medications.Medical problems -- There are some who take excessive female hormones, and while that is not immediately fatal, that can lead to liver disease and blood clots, and those conditions can contribute to death. They may be more likely to suffer other substance abuse problems too.Professional and Medical Neglect -- This has happened several times in Washington, DC. What happens it that a transgender person or a pre-op transsexual woman gets into an automobile accident. She's losing blood at the scene and yet firefighters and paramedics refuse to act. This could be due to hatred for transsexual women and transgender persons, homophobia, excessive disease panic, etc. Often they may start to rescue the person and then one of the rescuers cut off their pants, discover that their physical sex is male (despite their feminine gender identity and social role of a woman), and then they stop or delay any rescue attempts. At least once, the paramedics and firemen stood around and joked about the transwoman's genitalia. She got to the hospital just in time because an angry mob demanded that the rescuers do their jobs. However, she experienced the same delay and/or refusal of care in the hospital, and died.However, transsexual and transgender folks also suffer other types of neglect. For instance, they may neglect their own care. The reasons vary. They could be poor, they could be saving for surgery, and they might realize that the doctors won't treat them well. Those are the same factors that LGBT folks face. Plus there is the mistreatment that such patients get when they do need to get things done. They may be subject to unnecessary medical tests, given unnecessary genital exams (perhaps to humiliate them), and they are often not taken seriously by their doctors. Thus there may be a greater chance of potentially fatal medical mistakes being made.

When is national day of silence?

It's for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans-gender people who have suffered through the pain of harassment and bullying because of their sexual orientation.