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The Honey Bee provides for 90% of all pollination. Bumble Bees and a few other insects do the remaining 10% of pollination. Without bees we would no fruit, vegetables or flowers. Pollination is the engine that creates seed for the next generation of flowers. If an fruit or vegetable flower is not pollinated then we would have no fruit develop because most fruit and vegetable contain the seed for the next generation.

One thing you can do is make sure that your deck does not have any item that attracts the bees. If you use an insecticide on the bees, you would have no bees with the resultant of less food in this world.

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14y ago
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9y ago

To get rid of a bumble bee nest under your decking, spray it well with an insecticide that is made for killing bees. Spray at night, when all of the bees should be in the nest, and stand well back from the area. Most bee-killing sprays will shoot a stream at least 20 feet long. If it is a large nest, or if the nest is inside a crack in the deck or wall, consider having a second can on hand in case you need more than a single can to treat the area.

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17y ago

==Get Rid of Honey Bees Under Deck== At your local grocery store or wal-mart, target, k-mart etc., they sell sprays that will get rid of bees. Good luck:)

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How is a bumble bee different from a humble bee?

Bumble Bees make their nest either on the ground, or in a hole in the ground, Carpenter bees make a hole in wood for their nest. These also more resemble honey bees in size.

Is a honey bee or bumble bee larger?

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Where does a bumble bee live?

Bee HiveOnly domesticated honey bees live in hives. Honey bees living in the wild will usually build a nest in the hollow of a tree trunk or under the eaves of someones house. Bumble bees very often nest in holes in the ground.Honey bees can live in a hive or in a hollow tree or in the attic of a house etc.

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What type of animal is bumble bee?

A bumble bee is an insect.

What family is a bumble bee?

The bumble fee is in the Apidae family. The order of the bumble bee is Hymenoptera.

What is a plumber bee?

A plumber bee is a bee that likes to nest where there is a hiding place made of wood. Plumber bee is another name for the carpenter bee. Plumber bees look like a bumble bee but they have more black on their bodies.

What can kill a bumble bee?

Almost anything can kill a bumble bee.

Does a bumble bee lay eggs?

The bumble bee queen lays eggs, but none of the other bumble bees in the colony do.

How do you move a bumble bee nest?

This should be done by a professional. The hive must be calmed with smoke and the queen removed and relocated.

What is a bumble bee's habitat?

a bumble bees habitat is under wooden buildings, around peoples houses and in sheltered long grass.

When was Bumble Bee Foods created?

Bumble Bee Foods was created in 1910.