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Hair grows at the same rate both day, and night, morning, and bedtime. All the hair grows at the same rate no matter if they are cut in layers or a blunt cut.
(hair on the head) Hair grows at about an average of 1/4 to 1/2 inch a month. Some people are luckier and have hair that grows just a little longer in a month.
(hair on the other body parts) Hair on legs grow at different rate then hair on your head. But even then it grows at the same rate day and night.
People with shorter hair do appear to have faster growing hair because the end do not have as many slits or breaks in them, as a person that have longer hairstayles. And shorter hairstyle need to be maitained more with more haircuts to keep that style.
People who use hair dryers and curling irons on their hair daily (or often) do get more breaks and split ends though no matter the length of their hair. The heat causes the hair to become more brittle and does damage the hair. That's why they now have all kinds of styling aides for hair to help combat the problems caused by heat on hair.
So if you use heat to style or dry your hair you might think you hair does not grow fast, or if you have a shorter hair style you might think your hair grows faster.
With all that said there is one other thing to be said hair on the same head does not all grow at the same rate. 100 hairs in one patch of the head will not all grow longer at the same time. (It is kind of like kids of the same age not everyone grows at the same rate at the same time)

The only natural way to increase hair growth is by exercise, as the increased blood flow to the scalp increases growth rate.
It's a mythSo grows about half to 3/4 of an inch every month whether cut trimmed or untouched.
its not possible average growth is 1/2 inch per month

YUP. SO TRU. =D I guarantee I know a way that makes your hair grow faster than any supplement or hair products you could ever take. It has been in my family for years and its 100% effective. I also have a way if your hair grows to quick to slow that process down also.

Nope nope, your hair grows at the same speed and trimming it doesn't speed it up at all. It just keeps the ends in better shape as it grows. Now, I have a friend who used to take SO MANY VITAMINS it was insane (seriously, I was worried she would end up over dosing on something eventually) and her hair grew so fast! I had long hair at the time, but now that I have shor hair that I'm growing out... I'm pretty jealous. But DON'T start over dosing on vitamins! I did take a small, less harmfull, leaf out of her book, and now I make sure to remember my daily vitamins. Not sure if it helps too much, really. My hair grows "about" a 1/2 inch a month, depending on my stress levels and the weather. I cut my hair to a short bob (just below my ears) at the end of January and it's nearing the end of April now and I can jusssst about get a pony tail. So I think that's decently fast. And I haven't had a real trim yet!

If physicians claim that increasing the amount of exercise each day may allow your hair to grow faster due to increased blood flow to the scalp, would it make sense that hanging upside down (though maybe redundant) may greatly increase blood flow to the scalp, thus increasing hair growth if taking the appropriate amount of vitamins to be released through blood flow?

So i have a very poor diet but it try, i know what was said above is tru about hair growth. I am on just 1 supplement currently and that has done no diff in my skin, my nails grow better , and my hair doesnt have much of a difference. at this point im only happy cause im not loosing hair, but i do hate how it is at present. I can only guess what im taking is not for hair growth, its more of a vitamin, and i was debating upping to the best possible hair growing stuff

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12y ago

Purchase you some good quality hair items that aids in healthy hair growth.

Try to find some good products that are good for your hair. Try keeping split ends cut.

A lot of factors come into play while lossing hair or while trying to grow hair.

One of those factors is poor diets as it can also can affect the way your hair grow.

You can also find you some essential oils and mix them with some of your shampoo and condition.

Rosemary is one of the essential oils that helps treat hair loss as well as lavender.

Make sure to keep your scalp and hair as healthy as possible.

Shampoo and condition it on your basis and make sure you moisturize your scalp.

However there are some hair products on the market today that can be purchased for hair loss.

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10y ago
Hair growth is an ongoing process. As long as the hair follicle is functional, hair will grow at approximately 1/2 inch a month - a little faster in the summer and a little slower in the winter. The idea that cutting hair or nails frequently will increase growth, or slow it down, or make the hair grow back thicker and darker are all a silly myths. They are stories designed by people to explain something that they didn't understand.

HOW does the hair grown? It starts with a message in the DNA of the Stratum germinativum at the base (papilla) of the hair follicle. After mitosis of the germinal cell layer, new cells undergo a maturation process (infusion of keratin into the cells), grow up through the follicle and finally spring forth into the outside world as a shaft of hair. Hair growth stops when hormonal messages close down the functioning follicle.

It probably simply grows back up to its terminal length, just without the thinner tip, that's why it seems thicker, it simply lacks the part of the hair shaft which has been created first which is tapered and much thinner, that's how the myth of it growing back thicker and darker originated, obviously at parity of length a blunt hair seems thicker than a tapered one, plus when it's very short it's rigid, stubbly and bristly.

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10y ago

For men suffering hair loss, finasteride 1mg can be taken to prevent further baldness and grow back hair. Finasteride works by preventing certain enzyme activities that causes the hair follicles to shrink. One common problem among men is that testosterone hormones are being converted into DHT that is harmful to the hair. To prevent this, finasteride has been formulated as treatment for baldness in men.

More resources about hair loss in men and finasteride medication can be found here:

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13y ago

There are a few options in regrowing hair after unwanted hair loss. There are creams, pills, etc. A more effective solution is hair transplanation. This regrowth has been completed by the experts at Bosley. Surgeons take healthy follicles and redistribute them into the desired growth site, where a new natural hairline is formed.

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9y ago

After you buzz your hair, it will take a long time to grow it back. Keep the hair you do have healthy, and use products meant for stimulating long hair growth. The main thing is that it will take time for your hair to grow.

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first you have to wash your hair twice a week then make sure you grease it good

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Q: Does your hair grow faster after you cut it?
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Does hair grow faster of you cut it?

It doesn't necessarily grow faster, but it does grow healthier. Instead of growing dead ends, its grow stronger hair.

Does natural grow faster after you cut it?

Yes, hair does grow faster after you have them trimmed or cut them. This is due to the fact that sometimes hair can start to split and this causes hair to grow at a slower rate and cutting those split ends allows the hair to grow at a greater speed.

How do you grow hair fast?

if you trim your hair i will grow faster remember only trim it do not cut it trim it

Do you have to cut your hair for it to grow?

Sometimes, people's hair grows faster when they get it cut more often. But, no it is not necessary to cut your hair to get it to grow, but it is healthier for your hair to get it cut once in a while.

During which phase of the moon should you cut hair?

To grow your hair faster, trim ends or cut hair during the New Moon. To grow your hair thicker/longer, trim or cut hair during the Full Moon.

Does layering your hair make it grow faster?

No...layering the hair does not make it grow faster. Nothing, as far as styling, cutting etc makes the hair grow faster. If you are trying to let your hair grow out of a certain cut, say for instance, you want to top and back to grow out, you should cut the front more often and vice versa. This will give the hair that is shorter the "chance" to catch up the to the longer hair.

Does chaving more make hair grow faster?

Yes, if you shave your hair it will grow back faster, and thicker. (The same will happen if you cut/trim it, or wax it).

How old does a child have to be to get his hair cut with hair clippers?

about 1 but if you shave it bald the hair will grow back faster and thicker

How do you grow my hair faster?

Get it cut often,wash it regulary & use a good shampoo!

How do you grow your hair out faster?

Hair will grow faster if you trim the ends.

If you have long hair already how do you get it 2 grow faster?

All you have to do is cut off any split ends and it will grow faster. Even tho I want mine to grow fast and I have long hair too, I still won't do it, but I don't no why.

When do you get your hair cut so it will grow faster?

Your hair grows from the roots so it doesn't matter if you cut it. it only seems to grow faster because the ends won't break if you cut them.