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OK. I used to be a 260 pound 15 year old who decided to start exercising and jog. I am now a 19 year old long distance sprinter who just received my letter of acception to the next Olympics as a long distance sprinter. When i was 16-18 i ran 9 miles a day 7 days a week in 40 minutes with a no fat diet and high carb intake. I squat 435 and bench 285. I weigh 185 poulds and stand 6' 3". about a year ago my shin started to hurt ridiculously bad. I would touch it and feel a mild pain which later turned sharp. The pain was on the inside of the shin and hurt like a mother even when i walked. I eventually went to the doctor and had an X-ray and it showed four 3 inch fractures or cracks in the bone. It took me a year of walking and now i just recently started to run again. You NEED to go see a doctor before it becomes any worse and trust me it'll kill dude. It hurts a little now but it'll kill you later. I couldn't even walk when it got to its worst point. Stop doing whatever exercise your doing and find a doctor to see. He'll most likely tell you to relax and ice it and elevate it. Dont ice unless you love staying up all night from the pain. Also it will be smart to get crutches and stretch the injury every single day. I cant stress that last part enough. Walk so you don't lose performance in your sport and continue to lift as it will help. A year later and im already running 12 miles in 45 minutes and the leg feels even stronger now but still gets an ache in cold temperature.

DONT LISTEN TO THIS GUY HE IS A LIAR (nobody can run 12 miles in 45 min. that would be a world record

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