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try being in there shoes and let them know that your there for them and tell them that its hard to confess but you feel better and safer

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Q: How do you help a loved one who is in an abusive relationship and in denial?
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What can you do if your in an abusive relationship?

get help ASAP

Should I help my ex-girlfriend who is currently in a rebound relationship with an abusive partner?

Anyone who reaches out for help and is willing to receive that help whom is in an abusive relationship should get that help, and there are resources both online and in the community to access the right kind of assistance.

When you are bipolar does that make you abusive?

It could. But not every Bipolar person is abusive. It should however, never be an excuse for abuse. A person who is abusive Bipolar or not, is wrong in what they are doing. Seek help if you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship/situation.

What happens to men who return to abusive relationship?

If they were the abusers and did not get help for their actions, than the pattern will continue. If they did get help, things will change.

How do you get help when you are in a very bad abusive relationship?

When you are in a very bad abusive relationship, you should use caution while building your plan to get to a safe place. Seek local resources that might be useful, including advocates that can help in putting together a safety plan and in utilizing whatever legal resources might be useful or necessary in your plan. Build your plan erring on the side of paranoia -- leaving an abusive relationship is the most dangerous time in an abusive relationship. When you have a plan, follow it, even when you're scared. It is very unlikely that anything in your relationship will change until you are in a safe place.

My friend is in a very sexually abusive relationship but in a fradulent marriage for a green card. How do you get out of an abusive fake marriage?

Call the police or call a hotline, There are people in this world who are here to help.

What if you are a friend or witness of an abusive relationship?

seek help for your friend before it is to late. and you will regret it abuse can turn into murder be a friend seek help

Is it abusive to swear at your spouse several times in a long-term relationship?

No, minor verbal attacks are not generally considered abusive. Try to get into couple's therapy. If you have grown children, maybe they could help you talk about professional help.

Where can a person find help to get out of an abusive relationship?

There exist a hotline for every state in the United States if you find yourself in an abusive relationship which you can find on the Tripod website. If you find yourself in immediate danger you can also contact 911 and they will assist you immediately.

Why should you not go to couples counseling if in an abusive relationship?

Because, nobody wants help to stay with somebody who abuses you.

What can be done to help a woman leave an abusive relationship?

tell her that she is important and that she shouldn't be treated like that tell her what she can do and how much you can achieve in how many people she can help

Can I get financial help to leave a state to get away from an abusive relationship?

Your best recource is the YWCA and local women's shelters.