

Best Answer

A) it's not right to kill them

B) I'm not going to help you answer this wuestion exept it's immoral and wrong

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Q: How do you kill brown anole lizards?
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Related questions

How many lizards are in Florida?

Its mostly The Brown Anole

What do adult brown anole lizards eat?

anything from grub to flies

What are facts about Anole Lizards?

Anole lizards eat crickets and worms.

Where do anole lizards live?

Hi. They come originally from Cuba but, you can find them now in Florida and around the area. The most common one are the brown anole.

What do baby brown anole lizards eat?

I've had a baby brown anole for a few months now and the only thing I have found small enough to feed her are flightless fruitflies. They can be purchased at most Petco's and online. They are the size of a normal fruitfly, but are unable to fly.

Are anole lizards poisonous to dogs?


What do green anole lizards do when they are preganet?

Female anole lizards most of the time.... well.. I don't know. I just got my 2 anole lizards today and they both are females, though I can not tell if I have one that is pregnant... I will find out and hopefully and respond ASAP! :)

How much does an anoles cost at petsmart?

Bahaman anole lizards cost $4.00 at petsmart, and Green anole lizards cost $4.00 at petsmart, too. Helps?

How long do anole lizards get?

Maybye 10 inches?

Are anole lizards poisonous if eaten by pets or humans?


What lizards don't eat rodents?

Umm. I know that Anole lizards don't eat rodents.

What colors can anole lizards be?

If you have a green anole then here is the answer, Green means it is content and happy, And dark brown means Stressed or sad. If it is light brown for a while when you don't bother it, it usually means that your anole could be shedding. Like, at school we have anoles for a science unit and there is one that is shedding and up to the point that she shedded up to is green, the rest is light brown. I hope my Answer helped you! :)