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I don't know if this helps but it may open her eyes...If I didn't know better I would have thought my sister wrote that about me..except it's my current beau not my ex...same situation ...seriously sick suddenly..including hives..seizures..nausea name it i have had it...horrible headaches strange smells///biter almond smell guess what i am one of the freaks that can actually smell it...and i know it has been a year of crazy accusations...and continual battle with my suddenly a month ago my boyfriend went to jail for his 6th dui...and i am shock to no one but me...getting better...slowly my sores have healed and my headaches and seizures have stopped...he also by the way was charged with 3rd degree assualt impeading breath control on fam/house member for choking my teenage son in his sleep...he had a few seconds and my son would have been out...he choked me once and said to me you want me to go back to prison for killing you bitch...all over something he did...i only brought it to his attention ...

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11y ago
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10y ago

The symptoms of poisoning depend on if it is acute or longterm poisoning.

Acute poisons are easier to detect as they usually cause nausea, dizzyness, vomiting, intense pains and loss of conciousness, all in a shorts space of time.

Long term poisoning is harder to detect as some of the symptoms can be mistaken for other illnesses. Symptoms of long term poisoning include tiredness and lack of energy, intermittant unexplained pains, loss of coordination, loss of sensation in the limbs and in some cases organ failure.

If you have suspicions, you should see a doctor and/or contact the police, and avoid that person so that they don't have the opportunity to poison you. Beyond that, just follow common sense: don't eat anything that tastes bad or funny, eat slowly, and stop eating if you feel faint, dizzy or ill, and don't share meals with people who cackle evilly while they are cooking.

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12y ago

it depends, the most common poison to kill people today is antifreeze but it takes a while. it usly causes stomach flu and increased vomiting and finnaly a heart attack

but if you are realy worryed and think you have been poisoned try to increase vomiting.

i hope it helped :)

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11y ago

You don't so you give it to your neighbor and see what happens.

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9y ago

You may know if you are being poisoned intentionally if you start getting sick quite frequently. The best thing to do is go to the doctor if you have concerns.

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12y ago

the way your body acts. the affection of ur body, its where ur body starts getting affected

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10y ago

It is life threatening. Call 911 or ask medical help immediately if there are signs. Laboratory test will be conducted.

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11y ago

Seek medical advice.

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It depends on what has poisoned you, and how much poison has gotten into your body.

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No. A chalice is a type of cup; the phrase simply means a cup taht has been poisoned, and there is no oxymoron in it.

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