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Q: How do you make a frequency spectrum of your own voice on matlab?
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Matlab is useful in image processing in order to convert the image into a matrix and make several operations on it.

Objective in regulating the use of radio frequency spectrum?

The objective is to make it possible for the maximum number of users to co-exist within the existing radio spectrum, without interfering with each other. Radio spectrum is like land . . . no more of it is being manufactured.

Can a laser pointer make a rainbow with a prism?

A laser beam consists of a single frequency of light, therefore it cannot form a spectrum or rainbow.

How do you make graph from an equation in Matlab?

Initially, the equation can be directly realized using Matlab source code. Then various inputs can be applied to it. These values can easily be plotted on a graph using plot or stem command in Matlab.

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Dont know dont care 2G means 2nd Generation(Erandam Thalaimurai) & spectrum is a radio frequency band width this one used for make the communication path between the mobile phone users....

Can sound energy effect a solid?

Yes. All solids have a frequency, and when contacted by a sound of the same frequency, it causes the vibration of molecules in the solid. That is why singers can make a glass break vith their voice.

What make of car is the spectrum?

Geo Spectrum

Why do you use modulation in gsm?

in the case of communication through gsm technology we transmit our voice frequency to somewhere from the origin. normally human voice frequency lays between 300-3400khz. if all the people tends to transmit their voice, the signal wil be distroyed due to interference. also theoretically it need a very long antenna to transmit a low frequency. therefore it is necessary to modulate each and every signal to a high frequency carrier to transmit without any interference and make possible communication mohamed zawahir +94772260383

How is the electromagnetic spectrum useful?

Visible light, which lets humans and other animals see, is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. RF (radio frequency) waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. RF transmissions carry radio and television broadcasts. They have the lowest frequency. Microwaves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. X-Rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum and have the highest frequency..

Does matlab talk?

Yes, it is possible to make matlab talk in Windows using a simple program that can be downloaded here: If you are using a mac, or unix then there may be other ways to make matlab talk, but the basic code will be quite similar. Have fun. Ed

Do the Electromagnetic waves that humans can see make up the electronagnetic spectrum or do they make up the visible spectrum?

The visible spectrum.

How is the emission spectrum related to the absorption spectrum?

They are related by they are both spectrums that give the color(s) that the element is. The Emission Spectrum shows what color(s) it gives off, and the Absortion shows what color it absorbs and doesn't show. They also fit together and make a continuous spectrum.