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It starts with a short 'a' sound... A-ree-add-nee

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14y ago

Ar y odd nee

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Q: How do you pronounce Ariadne from the myth Theseus and the minotaur?
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What was the island that theseus landed on?

In the myth, after Theseus killed the minotaur, came out of the maze, and sailed away with Ariadne back to Athens, he lands on the island of Naxos.

Who defeated the Minotaur?

In Cretan mythology, Theseus slayed the minotaur. He did it with the help of a ball of string and Ariadne, who knew the minotaur in some ways too intimately. Not that way. The minotaur is a half bul half man . Very nice looking blogsite, with a synopsis of the myth with a bit of discussion concerning wandering up that particular emotional labyrinthine alley surrounding it.

How is 'Pacman' related to Greek mythology?

The maze in Pacman is similar to the Labyrinth in which the Minotaur resided in Greek mythology. This was in the myth of Theseus, who killed the Minotaur and escaped from the Labyrinth with the help of Ariadne.

Is Theseus and the Minotaur a myth?

It's a myth!!

What is the name of the Greek myth with the minotaur?

Theseus and the minotaur.

Which creature was killed by Theseus in the labyrinth on Crete?

Theseus kills a few creatures in Greek myth, but the most famous is the Minotaur.

In early greek myth what creature did theseus kill?


Is Theseus and the Minotaur a myth or ledgand?

It is just a famous myth that most people know.

What page is this on in the lighting Thief battle alludes to the classic myth of Theseus and the Minotaur?

When Percy, like Theseus, fights the Minotaur on pages 53/54/55.

What did the minotaurs eat?

The myth of Theseus says the the Minotaur ate young people from Athens. King Minos won Athens and forced the king to give up seven young men and seven young maidens each year to feed the minotaur.

What story inspired to create the hunger games?

The Greek Myth, Theseus and the Minotaur.

Who created the myth of the minotaur?

Most likely the Athenians, as Theseus was their hero/king.