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The most easy solution is just get big buckets of water and throw over the fire, which will eventually calm it down...

But if it is a Petrol bonfire or has things what may react to water then throw very large items on top or with a stick wack the flames.

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Q: How do you put out a bonfire?
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So far I've only found one way to put a bonfire out and that's by watering it with your watering can.

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Yes. If you have enough poutine to put it out.

Why do you light a bonfire on bonfire night?

to night is bright bonfire night

How was the bonfire put out when water was thrown over it?

You cut off its oxygen supply, no fuel-no fire

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He asks that his father would claim him.

What fuel is used to make a bonfire?

the best type of fuel to make a bonfire is bonfire oil

Is a bonfire to night?

bonfire night is on the 5th of November

How does a bonfire smell?

bonfire smells like smoke

What fuels make a good bonfire?

A good bonfire is made by wood matches and bonfire oil you firstly get lots of wood and set it alight then add the bonfire oil on.

What is the Westhill bonfire?

The Westhill bonfire is the beginning of homecoming weekend at Westhill High School. There is a bonfire, duh, before what is usually one of the biggest football games against Solvay or Marcellus. Different groups of people will decorate wood to be burned and I think different art classes get the bonfire ready along with the fire department. They often put depictions of the other team in the fire. It is a fun night!

Is a bonfire an example of combustibility?

yes that's the answer a bonfire is combustibility