

Best Answer

The best & safest thing you can do is Contact the manufacturer & ask for their recommendations.

The kind of yarn & the way it was dyed will all impact how to clean it properly.

If you use the wrong thing you could damage the carpet or void your warranty or set the stain so that it would never come out.

If you don't know who made the carpet, the next best thing would be to call a pro to come & remove it. If the budget wont stand that, try an off the shelf carpet cleaning product called RESOLVE, you can get it at any hardware or grocery store.

Be sure to rinse the carpet with clear water after you are done with the resolve & read the instructions.

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Q: How do you remove candle soot off Berber carpet?
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How was ink made in 1800s?

from charcoal, soot, or powdered ink mixed with water

What dangers did chimney sweeps face?

Chimney sweeps faced many medical dangers. One of these was cancer. If the chimney was particularly small, then the chimney sweep would be forced to take off all of their clothes. Their bodies would then rub against the soot on the inside of the chimney and the creosote in the soot would seep through their skin and cause cancer. Another danger was broken/malformed limbs, which were caused by the fact that they were squeezed into tiny spaces day after day. They also had severe breathing problems due to inhilation of soot. Also, if they weren't working fast enough, their employer would light a fire in the fire place to get them moving faster. This would have caused smoke inhilation and sometimes, the chimney sweeps toes got burned.

How do you say merry Christmas in creole?

"Joyeux Noël" is pronounced "zhwah-YUH no-ELL".The J sounds like the S in the English words measure and vision. The -eux sounds like the oo in good or soot.

Why was dark wing color advantages for moths in the late 1800s in England?

In the 1800's, people used coal to heat their homes and run their factories. Soot coated everything including trees, and made everything dark, so dark wings helped the moths hide better.

How do you get a flute in Pokemon?

The Black Flute is given to you by Looker in Mt.Coronet, The white flute is given to you by the woman that has lost her suite key once you find it for her using the dowsing machine, and the Azure flute is only obtainable by Wi-Fi mystery gift.

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How to remove soot from candle jars?

Just wipe it away with a dry paper towel.

How do you remove candle soot from walls?

i would start by wiping off excess, than an all purpose cleaner till clean you might have to repaint

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water,carbon dioxide and soot

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A candle burner, also known as a candle warmer is an electric warmer that melts a candle to release its scent. The advantages of using a candle warmers is the soot that often results from burning wax.

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soot doors is provide to clean the outside of the water tubes and to remove the soot.

When a black soot formed as a candle burns is it a chemical change?

Yes. That is a chemical change.

How do you clean candle soot off of clothes?

Soot is oily ash. (The oil id from the burned wax.) Use the product Goo Gone on it, and it should come clean.

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get a bath

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because the soot from the candle rises and sticks to the ceiling which is how they get dirty

When you put a cold object into flame of candle the object will get covered with soot physical or chemical?

Getting covered with soot would be classified as a physical change rather than a chemical change.

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