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Either scrape, use vinegar, white spirits or nail vanish.

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Q: How do you remove dry tippex from a wooden table?
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Why you need to remove a person in an electric shock from the electric wire using dry wooden pole?

in literal answer, if u don't remove the person using a dry wooden pole the person will surely die.

How do you get rid of tippex?

its drys qucikly and its quite hard to get rid of. if its dry you can scrape it off, if its wet wait for it to dry! :D

How can one wipe a wet wooden table without damaging it?

In order to wipe a wet wooden table without damaging it, one can place a dry rag over the table and, on a low setting, place an iron on the rag. This will suck the moisture out of the table.

Why should we remove a person in electric shock from the electric line using a dry wooden pole?

The dry wooden pole is a poor conductor of electricity, and may keep you from being shocked.

What used to blend dry ingredients and remove lumps from powdered sugar?

you can use a wooden spoon

Can tippex come out of clothes?

yes it does i spilt it all over my school blazer and then took it to my local dry cleaners and they had it all out

Can you varnish an oiled wooden table?

No, this I wouldn't do, you must remove as much of the oil finish as possible, try using Naphtha, Turpentine, or Mineral Spirits, let dry completely, sand and then varnish, the finish will be determined by how well you removed the old oil finish.

What is the best way to clean wooden end table furniture?

The best way to clean wooden end table furniture is use a damp cloth to wipe the furniture and follow up with a dry cloth. They can be protected by applying a coat of wax paste to collect dust build up, this should be done once a year.

What is dry rot a type of?

Dry rot is a type of funal invasion against wooden structures.

What is the best way to clean a wooden rolling pin?

The proper method for cleaning a wooden rolling pin is to remove crumbs or flour with a slightly dampened cloth. Allow pin to air dry and store as usual. Soaking in water or washing in dishwasher will cause it to crack and/or warp.


A dry stick is an insulator.

What will happen if a wooden scale is rubbed with dry hair and bought near bits of paper?

the bits of paper will stick on the wooden scale.