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Char 'a' is 97 decimal (61 hex) while char 'A' is 65 decimal (41 hex), a difference of 32 decimal (20 hex). Therefore test each char value in the char array (or string) using a for loop. If the char value is in the range 'a' to 'z', then subtract 32 decimal (20 hex).

The following example demonstrates the method:

void toupper(char* str, int len)


for(int i=0; i<len; ++i)


if(str[i]>='a' && str[i]<='z') str[i]-=32;



To convert from upper to lower case, use the following instead:

void tolower(char* str, int len)


for(int i=0; i<len; ++i)


if(str[i]>='A' && str[i]<='Z') str[i]+=32;



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10y ago

Subtract 32 from each character in the range 'a' to 'z', inclusive. C++ will convert these literals to their equivalent ASCII code. Note that ASCII code 'A' is 32 less than ASCII code 'a'. Decimal 32 is 0x20 in hexadecimal notation, and 0x40 in octal.

To convert to lowercase, add 32 to characters in the range 'A' to 'Z', instead.

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11y ago




char str1[]="PIYUSH";

char str[20];

str2=strlwr str1;

printf("%s", str2[30]);


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10y ago

If the character is greater than or equal to 'a' and less than or equal to 'z' then subtract 32 from the character. Note that 'a' is ASCII code 97 while 'A' is 65, therefore 97-65=32.

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13y ago

Sure. But it would be more correct to say 'lower case letters' and 'upper case letters'.

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12y ago

void ToUpper (char* string) {

while (*string != '\0') {

if (islower(*string)) *string = toupper(*string);




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Q: How to Change lower case to upper case in C plus plus?
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If the frequency in AM does not change then how are these sidebands formed?

The process of changing the amplitude of the "carrier" so as to add information to it (modulation) doesn't change the frequency of the carrier. But it does create energy at two other newfrequencies.The new frequencies are equal to (carrier frequency) plus and minus (the modulating frequency). These are referred to as the upper and lower sidebands.The upper sideband is an exact copy of the modulating signal, but with every component of it shifted up by an amount equal to the carrier frequency. The lower sideband is a mirror image of the upper sideband, with every frequency component in it reflected about the carrier frequency.

Why you use small letter in c or c plus plus programming language?

I assume you mean using lower case letters. By convention, C and C++ standard libraries use lower-case naming conventions. This makes it easy to identify functions and types that belong to the standard library. When defining your own types, a leading capital is preferred. All capitals typically denotes a macro definition.

Is c plus plus language case sensitive?

Because when have varialbles var1 and Var1, they are actually different variables. The same ides with operators, data and so on .

How do you change the Borland C plus plus application icon?

Change the icon in the application's resource file, then recompile.

What is the code to change the font of the output in c plus plus?

There is no generic code to change the typeface of the console output, nor indeed any output window. To change the typeface you must use platform-specific code. That is, the code required to change the output typeface in Windows is completely different to that of Unix-based systems.

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X plus 4 equals x plus 4 is an example of what property?

Assuming that there is no significance in the first X being upper case and the second in lower case, it is an IDENTITY.

What is the C program to print strings from A to Z and a to z?

#include&lt;stdio.h&gt; int main (void) { char upper[27]; // A-Z plus null terminator char lower[27]; // a-z plus null terminator char c; int i; for (i = 0, c = 'A'; c &lt;= 'Z'; ++c, ++i) { upper[i] = c; lower[i] = c - 'A' + 'a'; } upper[i] = 0; // null-terminator lower[i] = 0; // null-terminator printf ("%s\n", upper); printf ("%s\n", lower); return 0; }

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Good luck. I don't think it is possible, since there is no such thing called upper case digits.

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The process of changing the amplitude of the "carrier" so as to add information to it (modulation) doesn't change the frequency of the carrier. But it does create energy at two other newfrequencies.The new frequencies are equal to (carrier frequency) plus and minus (the modulating frequency). These are referred to as the upper and lower sidebands.The upper sideband is an exact copy of the modulating signal, but with every component of it shifted up by an amount equal to the carrier frequency. The lower sideband is a mirror image of the upper sideband, with every frequency component in it reflected about the carrier frequency.

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Additive inverse means that you are supposed to change the sign:* If there is a plus sign (or no sign at all), change it to a minus. * If there is a minus sign (as in this case), change it to a plus (or no sign).

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If you see C+ in relation to piano music, it USUALLY means the key of C major or a C major chord. By contrast, you could also see c- meaning C minor. Upper case is usually used with the major and lower case for minor. Unfortunately, the plus sign is also sometimes used to mean C augmented (which is why I use the term"aug" or "x" to denote an augmented triad).

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Why you use small letter in c or c plus plus programming language?

I assume you mean using lower case letters. By convention, C and C++ standard libraries use lower-case naming conventions. This makes it easy to identify functions and types that belong to the standard library. When defining your own types, a leading capital is preferred. All capitals typically denotes a macro definition.