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しゅくだい, which romanizes to shukudai (shoe-ku (as in cuckoo)-die). The kanji is 宿題. The word ホームワーク (houmuwaaku) is also sometimes used.

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Q: How do you say 'homework' in Japanese?
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Say you are missing your Japanese homework?

nihongono shukudai ga arimasen

What does benkyou mean?

(宿題) Ben-kyo Benkyo is how you say homework in Japanese.

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Can you say you have many homework?

No, you can say "I have a lot of homework." Or "I have to much homework"

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What would you say if you did not complete your homework?

Say you didn't complete your homework. The answer is implied.

Can you say homeworks or is it always singular?

"Homework" is always singular, so you would say, "Brian and Emily have finished their homework." If you want a plural to refer to homework from different classes, you can say "homework assignments."

What do teachers say too much homework?

they say that homework students have isn't very much.

Is it correct to say homework was sent home?

Yes!it is correct to say homework was sent home.

How do you say do not in Japanese?

you may not (watch tv) - (terubi o mite) kamoshire masen don't/stop - dame i do not (do homework) - watashi WA (shukudai) o shimasen

How do you say homework in Kinyarwanda?

Umukoro means homework in Kinyarwanda.

How do you say would in Japanese?

Causative statements are expressed differently in Japanese, and as such there is no exact replication of the word "would". However, if you wanted to say something like "I would go if I didn't have this homework" you could say たくさん宿題があるので、行けません (takusan shukudai ga aru node, ikemasen; I have a lot of homework, so I can't go).