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The only fast way to sober up is a naloxone shot from the hospital. Methadone is very potent an effects of one dose can be felt for 20-35 hours.

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drink water to help flush your system...

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Q: How do you sober up from methadone?
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Does methadone show up as methanphetamine?

No, Methadone will not show up as methamphetamine. Methadone will only show up as methadone because it requires a specific test.

What does methadone show up as on a urine screen?

Methadone does not cause a positive result in a standard screen for morphine and codeine. There is a methadone-specific screen available.It will only show up as methadone if it is being tested for.

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No, Methadone will only show up as methadone and hydrocodone will show up as an opiate.

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No, methadone requires its own specific test and will only show up as methadone.

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No, Methadone will only show up as methadone because it requires its own test to detect it.

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No, Methadone will only show up as methadone because it requires a specific test to detect it.

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It will only show up as methadone.

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No, oxycodone will show up as an opiate and methadone will only show up as methadone.

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Methadone will only show up as methadone because it requires its own specific test.

Does methadone cause pinpoint pupils?

Yes, it can, I have been on methadone for two + years and have been clean and sober off all other substances during the entire time I have been on methadone. I was recently accused of using substances again due to pinpointed pupils and severe sweats,,,,both these are caused and are side effects of methadone maintenance. I have two + years of clean urinalysis to back these claims up so this is a fact. METHADONE PINPOINTS PUPILS.....

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Methadone will only show up as methadone because it requires a specific test to detect it.

Will methadone show up as benzodiazapines on a drug screen?

No, Methadone will show up as methadone because it requires its own test to detect it.