

How do you speak pig-Latin?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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14y ago

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First, Take the word you wish to say.

such as finish. Take the first letter off. inish. Put the original first letter and put it on the end. inishf. Then put on -ay- or say the letter a at the end. inishfay.

Some wonder about single letterered words.

such as I. You can do 2 things. you could simply just say I or you could say I then a.


some wonder 'bout words that start with a

such as Alligator. Do the same normal way though it doesnt sound like you put the first letter at the end.

some wonder 'bout words that start with a vowel

like eat. do the same thing. (Good Luck knowing how to pronounce * ateay )

any more piglatin questions? ASK!

* Pronounced eight ay or at tee ay

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For most English words, you take off the first letter and say it at the end of the word followed by a long a sound. For example, "cabbage" would be "abbage-cay" in pig-Latin.

For words that start with two consonants, the first two letters would be at the end. For example, "shave" would be "ave-shay."

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When you think of piglatin, you think of ay right? Well you right in piglatin you don't end in ay you End in aq. With a q not a y. Piglatin for Mom is easy Take the first let of the sentence which is m. Then move it to the end of the word. Now you have omm. Now that you've done that, you add aq to omm. You now have ommaq which is piglatin for mom, but its pronounced ommay. Don't get it? Let's do another example, a harder one. Let's do humiliation Take the first letter in the word humiliation. H. Now put it on the end of the word so that you have umiliationh. Now take THAT and add aq to it. Now you have umiliationhaq which is piglatin for humiliation, and its pronounced umiliationhay. Rules of piglatin: 1. The first letter ALWAYS goes to the end of the word UNLESS, it starts with a vowel. Meaning if you gave me a word like umbrella, the writing would be umbrellaaq. pronounced umbrellaay. 2. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY Y. Y is not really a vowel so when you get a word like you, it is written like ouyaq not youaq. 3. When it is a word made out of two words like guideline or notebook, you do it separately. You would write notebook like otenaq ookbaq not otebooknaq. 4. When you have a word like they or speak, you take the joining letters (th and sp) and put them both at the end. so speak would be eakspaq and they would be eythaq. 5. This last one will be in piglatin see if you can figure it out: ifaq ouyaq antwaq otaq eakspaq inaq igpaq atinlaq enthaq ouyaq avehaq otaq ollowfaq allaq ofaq esethaq ulesraq!

How do you say see you later in piglatin?

"Eesay ooyay aterlay."