

How do you succeed over the mentally abusive husband?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Tell your friends you need them to come with you to collect your stuff from your place and just leave. Then call the police and put a restraining order against him.

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Q: How do you succeed over the mentally abusive husband?
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Please get out of this relationship as fast as you can. I am in the process of a divorce because, of this. My husband was verbally and mentally abusive to me and everytime we would would argue he would threaten to have his friends take of me or he would do it himself and no one would know about it. He has physically made threats to me with his fists almost hitting me in the face. Believe me, I ran for the hills I am hoping he does not find out where I live. Take my advice it will only get worse. Hell no, don't take it. Get out,don't allow him to have control over you like that. It's abusive and violant. Leave and find someone better who actually deserves you.

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