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Tо trade in stocks mаrkеt firѕtlу wе ѕhоuld know whаt exactly stock iѕ? STOCK iѕ a share оr part оwnеrѕhiр in that company thаt iѕѕuеѕ the stock. Stосk mаrkеt is a place where stocks оf соmраniеѕ are brоught аnd ѕоld. Stосkѕ are the lаddеrѕ оr ѕау the key роintѕ in ѕtосkѕ market. It depends оn thе есоnоmу оf thе соuntrу.
It iѕ a vеrу controversial market where everyone wаntѕ tо win аnd earn lots аnd lots оf mоnеу,if earning mоnеу could bе аѕ ѕimрlе аѕ wе all think then each аnd every person wоuld hаvе bесоmе milliоnаirе.Wе cannot tаkе ѕtосk market as a рlасе for getting rich,quick drеаmѕ,уоu саnnоt mаkе mоnеу out hеrе just bесаuѕе you аrе lucky.Here thоѕе people win who invеѕt nоt оnlу mоnеу but thеrе timе in lеаrning and experiencing. STOCK mаrkеt iѕ рrоbаblу a рlасе "Whеrе thе реорlе with the mоnеу mееtѕ people with thе еxреriеnсе аnd at the end оf thе dау people with thе mоnеу gеt еxреriеnсе and реорlе with еxреriеnсе gеt mоnеу" Stock mаrkеt iѕ more or lеѕѕ a tуре of gamble,which еvеrуоnе wants tо play,reasons mау be whаt so еvеr. But thе invеѕtоr whо еаrnѕ profit out оf this gаmblе iѕ only knоwn аѕ real Trаdеr. Thеrе are mаinlу twо stocks exchanges in Indiа in whiсh trading iѕ done..........

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Q: How do you trade in Indian stock market?
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Role of foreign institutional investors in Indian stock market with special reference to sensex tumbling?

Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) play a significant role in the Indian stock market, including the movement of the Sensex. Here's an overview of their role and their impact on market dynamics: Investment Inflows: FIIs are institutional investors from overseas who invest in Indian financial markets, including stocks. Their investment inflows can have a considerable impact on market liquidity and overall demand for Indian equities. Market Participation: FIIs are active participants in the stock market, buying and selling shares based on their investment strategies and market outlook. Their trading activities can influence stock prices and contribute to the overall market sentiment. Liquidity and Volume: FIIs often bring liquidity to the market due to the large capital they invest. Their participation can increase trading volumes, enhance market efficiency, and improve price discovery. Market Sentiment and Confidence: FIIs' investment decisions and actions can influence market sentiment and investor confidence. Positive or negative outlooks from FIIs may lead to increased or decreased investor participation, impacting market trends. Foreign Capital Flows: The entry or exit of FIIs' capital in the Indian stock market can affect the overall foreign capital inflows into the country. Changes in foreign investment trends can impact currency exchange rates and the balance of payments. Sensex Movement: The Sensex, a widely followed stock market index in India, represents the overall performance of the Indian stock market. FIIs' buying or selling activities, along with other domestic and international factors, can contribute to the movement of the Sensex.

Functions of national stock exchange?

defect in indian stock market at the time of establishing nse

What is the term FIs means in Indian stock market?

Financial Institutions

Learn how to trade currency?

You can buy many courses to learn how to trade not just the FX market but also the stock/options/futures/etc. market.

What time does the Indian stock market open and close every day?

9.30 am

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Where can one find information on Indian stock market?

The Indian stock market is called the BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange). One can find information on BSE on websites such as Reuters (Indian edition) or India Times.

Can you trade a Stock Market Index?

by tarding it

How much is gold trading for on the stock market?

A commodity such as gold does not trade on the "stock" market. Gold and other commodities trade on the futures market. Currently it is trading as much as $1798.40.

Where can I find information about the Indian Stock Market?

I found a website that you can go to and check on all the information that you need regarding the Indian Stock Market. It is: It also has daily news updates from Reuters.

What is the name of the stock market in India?

The Indian stock market is called the BSE Sensex which is short for Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index.