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if you turned on the hint arrow from the map then right click on it, then you can select to turn it off.

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Q: How do you turn of the hint arrow in RuneScape?
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First, you will need to add feathers to the arrow shafts, then use the arrow tips on the feathered shaft, to make the arrow.

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The current market price is 58 gp per arrow.

When can you turn right on a red arrow?

You can turn right on a red light and a left red arrow. If there is a sign that says "no right turn on red" or it's a right red arrow, you can't turn right.

How much does a bow's arrow cost?

I am assuming that you are talking about a bronze arrow (the cheapest and most easily used arrow in runescape). The bronze arrow is usually around 1-5 coins each, and you can obtain 30 for free from the archery shop in Varrock about every 15-30 min. If this question was not intended for runescape, please remove it from this category.

How do you right click the rock with the arrow in runescape?

try right clicking the use... and then click the rock... (it's fool proof!)

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Crossbows can only fire bolts, not regular arrows.

How do you get your arrow back?

you cant i would know. i have 89 range in runescape. add me rottenxminer

Can you make a left turn at a traffic signal with a left turn arrow and the left turn arrow has gone off?

yes you can if the signal shows full green for traffic proceeding the same direction your car is/was travelling - but you cant if the arrow is red. if there is no arrow it means that you can turn if you feel that it is safe to.