

Best Answer

There are a number of ways you can do this:

A compound sentence: I went to the closet, my boots weren't there.

Using a quote: When I opened the door, she said, "Wow, it's cold out there".

Describing the sentence: He was sentenced to forty hours of scrubbing the sidewalk with a bucket and a brush.

Or randomly: Bring me my sweater, my blue one is in the kitchen; it's really cold in here.

Another thought:

When you use a subjunctive mood verb in the sentence, for example: "If I am enrolled in that school, I will be brighter". There are two parts in this construction, the main (or independent) clause and the subordinate (or dependent) clause. The main (or independent) clause in this sentence starting with the conjunction if, has a subject,"I" and the predicate "am enrolled in that school", this clause is a sentence that could stand alone in another context; and the subordinate clause has a subject "I" and a predicate "will be brighter", too and can stand alone and can make sense.

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