

How do you use tentatively in a setence?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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He moved tentatively across the ice...

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Q: How do you use tentatively in a setence?
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How can you use tentatively in a sentence?

The surgery is tentatively scheduled for next month, but we'll do it sooner if you're in a lot of pain.

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To denote is an indication of something, such as a fever often denotes an infection.

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Based upon my somewhat limited information, I can only answer your question tentatively. The meeting has been tentatively scheduled for this Friday at 10:00 a.m.

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Tentatively is an adverb.

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it must have correct spelling a good use of verbs, adjectives and nouns and it must be interesting

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You have tentatively been selected to play the part of the third tree, or at least the rock.

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