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In today's modern notation of Roman numerals they are from 1 to a 1,000:-

Units from 1 to 9: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX

Tens from 10 to 90: X, XX, XXX, XL, L, LX, LXX, LXXX, XC

Hundreds from 100 to 900: C, CC, CCC, CD, D, DC, DCC, DCCC, CM

Thousand: M

To select a number simply write out the hundreds first followed by the tens and then the units.

Examples: 999 = CM+XC+IX = CMXCIX and 123 = C+XX+III = CXXIII

But because today's rules now governing the Roman numeral system were introduced during the Middle Ages it's quite possible that the ancient Romans themselves would have calculated the number 999 on a abacus counting device as DCCCCLXXXXVIIII and then simply wrote it down as IM (-1+1,000 = 999).


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