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void main()



int n,i,j,temp,a[50];

printf("Enter how many elements=");


printf("Enter %d elements",n);

















printf("\nSorted Array:\n");







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14y ago
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11y ago

class bubble


public void main(int a[])


int t,l,i,j;


System.out.println("the original array ");

for (i=0;i<l;i++)


System.out.print(a[i] +",");


for (i=0;i<l-1;i++)


for (j=0;j<l-1;j++)








System.out.println("the sorted array is ");



system.out.print(a[i] +",");


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8y ago

Search the unsorted array for the largest element and swap with the last element. Reduce the upper bound of the array by one element, thus creating a sorted array at the end of the array. Repeat until there is only one element in the unsorted array (the smallest element), at which point the array is sorted.

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