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Gene transfer between cells generally consists of the following steps:

1. Isolating the gene of interest - Here, the gene which has to be transferred has to be isolated from the genome of the source (or host) organism.

2. Splicing the gene if interest into a plasmid. Splicing is a process wherein a foreign strand of DNA (the gene of interest) is inserted into a loop of DNA called a plasmid. The plasmid DNA is cut open to form a linear fragment. The gene of interest is then attached to the plasmid DNA. The plasmid DNA is converted back into the loop form with the help of an enzyme called DNA ligase.

3. Gene amplification: Here, the plasmid containing the gene of interest is amplified. Which means, many copies of the plasmid containing DNA are created through a process called the polymerase chain reaction.

4. Transfection: This is the final step wherein the plasmid containing DNA is inserted into the recipient organism. Sometimes the foreign DNA remains within the plasmid and is able to express protein. Other times, the gene of interest can be engineered to contain a sequence called the recombination sequence which will allow it to integrate (or join) the host genome through a process called homologous recombination.

By the method described above, a foreign gene is removed from one organism and inserted into another. If the gene of interest is integrated into the host of the recipient organism, copies of it are made every time the host cells divide.

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Q: How does DNA technology transfer bacterial genes from one cell to another?
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How does DNA technology transfer bacteria genes from cell to cell?

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Explain how DNA technology transfer bacterial genes from cell to cell?

I think you must rethink about your question, but still I am giving the answer as I can understand that you are asking about recombinant DNA technology where bacterial DNA is used as it is a cloning vector (plasmid). In recombinant DNA technology the particular sequence of DNA that we want to replicate or want to produce in huge number, is attached either with plasmid of bacteria or a DNA of bacteriophage and thus produce the recombinant or hybrid DNA which is copied each time when the bacteria or bacteriophage multiply. In this way the hybrid DNA will be transferred from parent cell to daughter cells.

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