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At first, readers and viewers just learned that Lady Macbeth died. The sharing of that information, sorrowful to Macbeth, was the reason for the second appearance of Seyton in the play. It was only at the end that readers and viewers learned the death hadn't been from natural causes. Malcolm informed his victorious army of the suicide of Lady Macbeth. But readers and viewers still weren't informed of the means.

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14y ago
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9y ago

It is not clear how Lady Macbeth died. She has fits of sleepwalking and hallucinates that her hands are covered in blood. Before Macbeth goes into battle, he is informed that Lady Macbeth is dead.

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7y ago

I don"t think she does. She does plan a massacre of sorts to indirectly help her husband, the war lord- Macbeth. Macbeth assumed the titles of Thane of Cawdor and some other one. By the way a Thane or Thegn was in effect a medieval Judge who was a low-ranking nobleman! Lady Macbeth may die in the play, but she doesn"t take her own life- You may be thinking of Cleopatra, who used snake-bite as a suicide device- in 30 BC after the lost battle of Alexandria, which some horrifying collateral damage.

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11y ago

We think lady Macbeth committed suicide or drugged herself. The play is not in any way clear about how she died, except that Malcolm repeats a rumour that she committed suicide. And Malcolm, who certainly was not an eyewitness to her death, is not a neutral observer either, since he calls her a "fiendlike queen."

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9y ago

It is not even particularly clear that she did commit suicide. At the end of the play Malcolm says that she, "as 'tis thought, by self and violent hands took off her life" by which he means that the gossip is that she committed suicide. But this is a mere rumour and it is being related by someone who is not exactly favourable to the woman he has just described as "fiend-like". For make no mistake, Malcolm needs every Propaganda point he can to legitimize his usurpation of the throne from an anointed king. Therefore we might not want to believe Malcolm here. All Seyton says about it is "The queen, my lord, is dead" which explains nothing. Lady Macbeth was a known somnambulist, and might have sleepwalked her way off one of the parapets of the castle by accident. She could have died in a number of ways which would not have been suicide.

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13y ago

I think she jumps out of her bedroom window and falls to her death

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15y ago

I am fairly certain that he died in a swordfight with McDuff.

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11y ago

He said that she had died by her own hand, which means she killed herself.

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13y ago

She commits suicide

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He died in battle.

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