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There is not such a thing as an AIDS virus. It's the HIV virus, and the title AIDS is the high viral load level of HIV infection. The question has been the subject of quite a bit of discussion. Some claim that it was from sexual contact with other species, some of the more paranoid subscribers to conspiracy theories claim that it was from a government attempt to destroy homosexuals. Pick your theory, I don't think AIDS patient #1 is talking.

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11y ago

A cross species infection took place between primates and humans. SIV, a known disease among chimps, spread to humans. The human version developed into HIV (causes Aids.) The disease, in simplest terms, spread amongst humans from there. More info can be found on related link.

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10y ago

The vast majority of AIDS cases result from sexual contact with someone who is HIV positive, meaning that they have the virus in their body even if they have no symptoms. Most sexual transmission occurs when the infected partner does not know they are HIV positive. Most people will never be tested until symptoms of AIDS appear, although some may decide to discover if they are at risk. This is common in the pornography industry to prevent epidemics among the participants.

The second most common way to contract HIV / AIDS is through blood transfusions, or from blood-to-blood exposure to an open wound. A broken syringe or vial can be another means of accidental exposure among healthcare workers.

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10y ago

The very first person was a hunter in Africa who hunted chimps and/or monkeys and got the virus from the blood of that chimp or monkey while cutting it up. Chimps have been infected with a virus similar to HIV and it is thought that it mutated into HIV. Since then, it has become the most common deadly disease in the world. It probably was first seen in the 1940's.

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13y ago

From having unpertected sex with someone who does.

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11y ago

Aids started when patrick ryan felt a little frisky so he had relations with a monkey then got aids and he gave it to everyone around him

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Through Anal sex or through sexual intercouse with anybody already with aids

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Q: How does one get AIDS?
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One can find the 2012 AIDS statistics on the official governmental AIDS website. These statistics can also be reviewed from Global Health and AIDS Research.

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No one specific person alone can administer AIDS. AIDS is developed when someone has a sexual intercourse with more than one person. Sometimes, the development of AIDS is instant, and other times it slowly emerges from the one that is infected.

Where can one find aids information?

AIDS has become a very dangerous epidemic around the entire globe, and everyone should be informed and educated about AIDS. One can find information on AIDS at the US government's website Aids, the AIDS organization website AIDS, or by also speaking with a health physician or visiting a clinic such as Planned Parenthood.

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HIV is the virus that causes AIDS

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Aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What diseases cause AIDS?

AIDS is caused by one thing: long term infection with HIV.