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You can't just "make" a girl like you. It's not like that. She's not a robot with a hard drive where you install feelings and emotions. Like you, she's a person with her own mind. Think about this : You chose to like her, correct? I'm guessing it wasn't something artificially made by a friend or your own mind, meaning you didn't have to be convinced. She's human.. thinks the same as you and any other human. She may already like you and she may not, but that's solely up to her and no one else. Nothing you or anyone else says can change her true feelings even if it may change how she seems to feel. You may dislike this answer as much as I would have at ten.

Talk to her. Get to know her. BE MATURE. Be yourself. Be nice. Be a gentleman. In the longrun she'll be impressed by your politeness, and you'll naturally know if she has interest in you. If she doesn't, it really wasn't meant to be, and that's the truth.

When I was 10 I had a crush on this boy more than i have ever anyone, and I wanted nothing more for him to feel the same, and I thought the crush would last forever.. becuase the 3 years that it did last was long enough. I even asked people and bought books seeking the answer, but I didn't know him. I wanted to transfer to his classes. I had a chance to move from my home in Md, to Seattle. But I didn't because of him. Now I'm 14 years old in 8th grade, and that same boy is in my math and spanish class. One of my books said "soon enough this boy will be a speck in your rearview window", and as much as I didn't believe it then, now, it couldn't be more true, nowadays we're just super cool and friends, and I have a boyfriend of 6 months.

I know from experience that this is true.

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Q: How does a ten year old kid make a ten year old girl like him?
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