

How does Amoeba get around?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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amoeba gets around by moving in the cell. Which is only found in plant cells.

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14y ago

Through locomotion: Amoebas move by changing the shape of their body, forming pseudopods ( temporary foot-like structures).

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Is it possible that there are giant amoeba floating around in space?

No, it is not possible. Amoeba need air, and sadly there is no air in space.

What are characteristics of amoeba?

amoeba are a single celled life form, a single celled organism and measured to be around 0.25 mm!

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This an amoeba that lives around your teeth eating bits of food. It doesn't usually bother us but can. How it got there is for you to guess.

What and how do amoeba's eat?

An amoeba cell eats other unicellular organisms like paramecium, bacteria, and plant cells. Some are even parasitic! Amoeba cells eat by moving its cytoplasm (also called pseudopods) around its prey. The prey is literally inside the amoeba now. The Amoeba forms a vacuole around it and breaks it down for nourishment and absorbs it through its cytoplasm.

Cells are in an amoeba?

cells are in a amoeba

Is it danger to have a amoeba?

Yes, you can easily die if the winter comes around because your immune system is being attacked by hifagins which comes from amoeba so be careful.

How ingestion takes in amoeba?

when amoeba comes in touch in a food particle it spreads it's cup shaped pseudopodia around the food particle and engulfs it to it's cytoplasm

How is amoeba different from diatom?

An amoeba is a protist and a diatom is not

Describe how the Amoeba uses it pseudopodia?

Pseudopods are flowing extensions of the amoeba's cytoplasm, which the amoeba use to move around. They do this by stick a part of their cytoplasm outward to an open area, then the part will pull the rest of the amoeba toward it.

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Is a red blood cell more specialized than an amoeba or is it other way around.?

other way around