

How do jellyfish move?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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9y ago

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* They are passively transported by the water currents. * They can swim with rhythmical contractions of the bell (muscles) that propel it with the force of the water pushed from inside the bell, sort of like jet propelling does with air jets, the action creates an equal and opposite reaction.
it floats and drifts with the current
jelly fish moves its body to move in waterA jellyfish opens up its umbrella-like body wider than usual, and then shrinks it back to size. The water that was inside the umbrella-like body structure was squeezed out when the body structure shrank to normal size, so the aqua jet propelled the jellyfish a few feet. That is how a jellyfish moves.

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9y ago
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9y ago

Like most species of fish an angel fish moves forward using his tail fin. The side fins will help him to move in reverse as well as help steer. The top and bottom fins are used primarily to steer and keep the fish upright as he moves about.
The same way other fish move, they use their fins.

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13y ago

Angler fish hunt by luring small fish towards them using a bio luminescent (glowing) lure attached to their heads. Small fish are attracted to the glowing lure, and when they come close, the angler eats them

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13y ago

I believe Angler fish spit water at bugs that are on leaves from overhanging trees near the body of water the Angler fish are in. When they spit water, they are usually very accurate and sometimes catch the bug before it even hits the water.

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15y ago

an angler fish moves by swumming or moving its fins to move the water and propel it foward

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9y ago

Angler fish do not migrate. They live in very deep parts of the ocean and use their unique physicality to attract prey.

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11y ago

male angler-fish bite/attach to a female fusing itself to the mate becoming one single body.

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14y ago

it swims slow but fast

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What is a bell from a jellyfish?

A bell is the part of the jellyfish, that does NOT sting. The bell only lifts up like a umbrella, and down. It pushes out water, and makes the jellyfish move forward ONLY!!

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